Firstly let me say I'm no cat lover, don't get me wrong, nice enough things but the knowledge that in an instant they can turn in to a thing that kills for fun puts me off. Anyway, there has been a black and white tom hanging around, a stray, so wife starts putting a bit of food out for it on a regular basis. this has slowly changed, I have cleaned a small area of my little shed and that's where its cat bed is for it to sleep, but it's not enough is it. Food is now in the dining room and as soon as the door is open on a morning in it trots for breakfast. I make sure it is out before I go to work. Now with wife working from home for a short while, came home at lunch and cat is asleep on my bed!! been there all morning. So i puts me foot down explaining i don't want a cat as a pet, don't mind putting food out for the cat, the hedgehogs, the fox, the doves and pigeons, squirrels, slugs, whatever else my missus likes to feed, but i don't want another pet, cats do nothing for me.
Well suddenly its all my fault, Wife throws cat food out of door, quickly followed by a launched cat, plenty of verbal about i'm a bully to poor animals and she is going to phone the RSPCA to have it put down and am i happy now.
I give up, think i shall go hide in me shed and work on some VIS
(Variable Intake System) motors, trouble is the cat will be there staring at me