- German Universität at Ausburg.
- British Council Language Assistantship (Although these may not be happening because of the current Dept. for Education spending review.
- Work abroad for a year. (self organised)
I had placed my name down for work abroad and was going to start to get the ball rolling. Don't particularly enjoy student-life (ok, don't remotely enjoy it) in this country so why do it when you're thousands of miles from home?
Also I was of the thought that working for a year is better then just staying at a University and also, and most vitally - I get paid, which not only makes things easier, but means I would be able to see and do more in the country. (Having been completely besotted with the country since my first visit.)
However, due to the fact that I have only been taking German for a limited amount of time and I am not fluent, I have been asked to consider going to a University instead and I will be unlikely to find a company that would be willing to take me.
Just wanted to see what people thought and if anyone knows a German company that wouldn't require fluency!
Much appreciated!