What do you have planned this weekend ? by kandyman (Page 2 of 2)

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Mick wrote:
Simon wrote:Not an Egg chasing fan I take it Mick :stirer: :gmc:

I'm not an avid fan but I enjoy watching the occasional a game or two, unlike Soccer which I would actually go out of my way to avoid. (Dons flame suit Goes and hides in the cupboard under the stairs) :D" :D"

Me too, Can't stand football,

But I live for Rugby

Well my Symphony didn't arrive. so I went to the Pub :cheers: to catch the England game

It was good too. :clap: :clap: :clap:

Come On!!! :flosg: :flosg: :flosg: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :clap: :clap:
115,000 miles and counting

Posted 12 Feb 2011, 18:02 #21 

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I've spent today working which is all a bit ho-hum but tonight there'll be some drinks to be had in the local beverage establishments and then tomorrow I'll be poking around the innards of a D-Link router to find out why it rattles like something that has something rattling and broken inside of it :oops: :roll:

Posted 12 Feb 2011, 19:05 #22 

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Been tinkering with the Landcrab today & washed Grovey, more tinkering tomorrow I think :) Oh anyone got any Landcrab bump stops??? :confused:
Geordie Jeans! they're nice & tight especially roond the arse

Posted 12 Feb 2011, 21:49 #23 

