We’ll start with a Mk 1 Humber Sceptre because I’ve got one of these . . . only mine is in bits . . .

Hey Rock’n’Roll – it’s a Vauxhall Cresta PA

Humber Hawk wearing Whitewalls

Minnie the Minx

Austin A35 – bigger outside than a Mini but smaller inside . . .

Don’t like Sierras . . . but as it’s a Cosworth let’s take a look at the engine . . .

Cheeky and quirky – Citroen Bijou

P5 with a period caravan – nice . . .

P5 Coupe with a period caravan – even nicer

Reliant Scimitar – a combination of Ford V6 and fibreglass!


Before the Transit, there was the Thames . . .

Scammell – had a Dinky model of this when I were a lad . . .

Bright Yellow AEC Wrecker was once used by the Southdown Bus Co.

Another AEC Wrecker – a little more subtle in red and cream . . .

OOO another Scammell . . .

And yet another . . .

Jeep – legend has it there are a load of these which were bricked up in a viaduct in Hampshire after the war – true or urban myth?

And as it was actually billed as Steam Rally, have a couple of Marshalls.