Well... that was unexpected. by Raistlin (Page 1 of 2)

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I took SWMBO for her first consultation in the Oncology department of New Cross hospital in Wolverhampton today, prior to the start of her radiotherapy following a diagnosis of stage 2 / 3 endeometrial cancer a couple of days before Christmas.

Neither of us were looking forward to the experience and expected the place to be... well, I don't know quite what we expected, but certainly not what it turned out to be. There was a lively buzz of friendly, upbeat, even joking conversation between the patients and also between patients and staff. We were immediately assimilated into the throng and very soon felt welcomed, included and comfortable.

Now I don't mean this post to be patronising and if it appears so please accept my apologies. Let me explain that I haven't been in an Oncology department for many years so was almost certainly naive in my expectations.

What a tremendous upbeat appreciation of people and life there was in the department. We both learned a lesson this morning.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 07 Jan 2016, 16:15 #1 

Glad you and your wife have had a positive experience - very important to feel cared for. Best wishes for a good outcome.

That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play


Posted 07 Jan 2016, 23:48 #2 

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Borg Warner
San hasn't had to have radio', just chemo. We too found the atmosphere a little unexpected, staff were all very positive, so too were the patients.

Best of luck to you both mate.

Gary M.

Posted 08 Jan 2016, 09:11 #3 

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Gren 24
Its so refreshing when you first go to a place like that and you are made so welcome, as you say not just the staff but the people there.So willingly to help and give there support and help you feel that much easier.
I had to take my Uncle every day for 6 weeks to the one at Stoke for his cancer and they where the same there. I must say and give praise to the dementia nurses as Uncle had dementia as well. those nurses were so kind and helpful not only to him but to me as well.No one could ask for better caring nurses.

Sorry Paul went of track a bit. Hope all goes as it should for you both and a just take care of each other as I know you will.

Posted 08 Jan 2016, 16:38 #4 

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You didn't go off track Les :) The original intention of the thread was to highlight how positive was the attitude of those people we met. You've neatly added to it thanks.

Also, thanks to you all for the good wishes anyway. I've passed the messages on to SWMBO :)

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 08 Jan 2016, 18:41 #5 

Yes there are places like that ... I had a similar experience in the last week with my father-in-law (the closest person I have to a dad...) - he had to be admitted to the Oncology department at Leicester Royal Infirmary (I think that's what it was...) and the staff and support were absolutely spot on. When I drove down there with my wife last Tuesday evening, I didn't know what to expect, but my fears/concerns were quickly eased!
Really hope all goes well for you both!

Posted 12 Jan 2016, 15:52 #6 

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SWMBO has just completed her course of radio therapy (Brachytherapy) with relatively few side effects.

We now enter the long wait to see if it was successful.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 08 Feb 2016, 19:35 #7 

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Fingers crossed for her :)

Posted 08 Feb 2016, 21:35 #8 

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(Site Admin)
My best wishes for a positive outcome.

Posted 09 Feb 2016, 12:44 #9 

Yes indeed - my best wishes also to you both Paul

Posted 09 Feb 2016, 16:10 #10 

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My very best wishes to you both, you have been very much in my thoughts since hearing the news. A religious person would say 'In my prayers'.

Posted 09 Feb 2016, 17:54 #11 

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Thanks chaps. If an indomitable spirit was a guide then there would be nothing to worry about :)

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 09 Feb 2016, 18:32 #12 

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Marion had her follow-up oncology consultation this morning and we got the best possible news :-D

They've managed to zap the lot :)

Thanks to all for your prayers and thoughts seems so inadequate but don't know what else to say.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 14 Mar 2016, 14:45 #13 

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Borg Warner
Pleased for you both Paul.

Good news is always welcome.

Gary and Sandra.

Posted 14 Mar 2016, 16:57 #14 

raistlin wrote:Marion had her follow-up oncology consultation this morning and we got the best possible news :-D

They've managed to zap the lot :)

Thanks to all for your prayers and thoughts seems so inadequate but don't know what else to say.

I think what you both need to say is 'yippee' and take it as a shot across the bows and live life to the full.

That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play


Posted 14 Mar 2016, 18:57 #15 

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(Site Admin)
Brilliant news Paul. So glad for you both.

Posted 14 Mar 2016, 19:30 #16 

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Good news like that is a rare thing!

Nice and one and all the best to you both :)

Posted 14 Mar 2016, 22:29 #17 

Awesome to hear Paul ... that's really great... I'm listening for the loud YIPEE over the Ethernet :)
As for not knowing what to say or feeling inadequate...) just knowing that the big C has been beat is enough in its own right!

Posted 15 Mar 2016, 14:42 #18 

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Hi Paul.
Excellent news for you both, a nice little holiday to celebrate maybe to regenerate those batteries that may have diminished while going through the trial and tribulations of the process, which should shake of the stress it must have caused you both, good luck for the future all the best Steve & Gail
Pearl Firefrost

Posted 16 Mar 2016, 14:19 #19 

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Gren 24
Really Good News Paul, so very pleased for you both.you both must be on feeling on top of the world now and both deserve it to,All the best for a lot better year for you BOTH.

Posted 16 Mar 2016, 17:21 #20 

