Weather... :o by

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Temp here 36f (3c) no snow, no wind, clear blue skies, nice sunny day really... :thumbsup: :D

So far my lil enclosed yard pond has remained ice free, the lil pump is running well, and fish are looking great... :D

Still no signs of the garden birds returning, the feeders are now joined by cobwebs.. :( I am afraid the local cats have either killed most of my lil winged friends or driven them away.. :roll: :(

Posted 26 Nov 2010, 17:26 #1 

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No snow in Leeds, just cold ......
Photobucket = Tossers


Posted 26 Nov 2010, 18:20 #2 

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Lovely and warm here about 21c.
Oh you mean that place the great outdoors. :gmc:

"My lovely car now sold onto a very happy new owner.
I still love this marque and I will still be around, preferred selling to breaking, as a great runner and performer"

Posted 26 Nov 2010, 19:06 #3 

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Lotsa snow here.. :D Car was a hoot to drive in it... :lol: It all looked very pretty driving around in it.....but arse-achingly cold when you got out.... :shock:

Posted 26 Nov 2010, 19:18 #4 

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-3°C here at the moment and about 1°C or 2°C all day. No snow though :( :confused: I did nearly freeze into an ice cube on the way home though (I walked to work.... :gmc:) :(

Posted 26 Nov 2010, 20:50 #5 

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Crazy snow outside here now..... :?

Posted 26 Nov 2010, 23:00 #6 

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A picture saves a 1,000 words.... innit... :P

Stock up with food and water. And stay warm n safe Zeb, it will pass... :cheers:

Still no snow here, but temp outside is now 26f (-3c) :shock: I just lagged the outside tap. just in case...... :roll:

Posted 27 Nov 2010, 00:53 #7 

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We got a few cm of snow overnight.

I do like my FBH (Fuel burning heater.) with remote!

Car was fine to drive even on the slushy stuff.

Posted 27 Nov 2010, 12:41 #8 

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(Site Admin)
Same here, just a couple of cm. No need to leave the house.:)

Posted 27 Nov 2010, 12:53 #9 

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Snow this morning here with some very slippery roads and the centre of Norwich ground to a halt
Lots of cars sliding all over the place including mine.
Car behind me finalling stopped sitting on my bumper after I nearly rearranged the front end on some bollards.
Got 4 new tyres fitted and all the snow had gone :hissyfit:

Posted 27 Nov 2010, 13:24 #10 

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Still no snow -- Temp now 37f (2-3c ish) Lovely clear blue skies, sun's out, ponds still unfrozen, cars has ice on the bonnet but otherwise looks OK. Roll on Spring innit... :D :thumbsup:

Just seen a big Grey Heron fly up out of my neighbours garden! He has quite a big garden pond. Hope it hasn't eaten all his fish!! :shock:

Posted 27 Nov 2010, 13:48 #11 

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Oooeerr outside temp hit an all time low here last night! At 3am here it was 19f that's about -6.5c :shock: Yikes!!! :panic:

My pond is now partly frozen over, the sink outlet from the upstairs sink is blocked, presumably with ice, and my yard ponged when the loo was used! I think the underground sewer pipe has frozen as well!! :roll:

I hope you lot over there in Yorkshire are all OK.. Looks bad on the news.. :( And as for the poor Scots and Welsh peeps you really do need to stay warm and dry at all costs.

The good news is, the temp is up to 35f again now so things may unfreeze before it drops again this evening... *Fingers crossed* :roll:

Suns out though, nice clear blue sky and both cars seems fine, in fact both cars started up instantly this morning. Seeing as the lil ZX hasn't been used for nearly a month it really is a remarkable lil car.. 6 years of virtually trouble free motoring for £600 orf eBay. heh heh.. It needed new number plates for it's last MOT though. :shock: :lol: :thumbsup:

No snow here at the mo, and all the roads are free and clear, so getting around is still easy if I need too. Actually I had a big grocery/shopping order delivered yesterday so I am OK for a while.. :thumbsup: :D
. ...

Posted 28 Nov 2010, 13:54 #12 

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some snow here and mucho cold/ice/ :scared:

Posted 28 Nov 2010, 14:55 #13 

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Posted 28 Nov 2010, 17:43 #14 

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-6 here last night. Went into Skeg buy a pot of paint.. :em: ....No, I didn't really need to, but the drive home in heavy snow was what I was after... :D 'Course, no hills round here which helps... :lol:

Posted 28 Nov 2010, 18:24 #15 

Last edited by Zeb on 29 Nov 2010, 09:38, edited 1 time in total.

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-7°C last night here and it's currently -4°C with it expected to drop even more! :o

Posted 28 Nov 2010, 20:02 #16 

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Bermudan 75
It has just started to snow here in Cheshire...... :panic:

Posted 29 Nov 2010, 09:49 #17 

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I'm on high (ish 400ft) ground in the North East part of Cheshire on the edge of the Pennines, and we now have about 5 inches of snow here. :shock: The local roads are more or less clear, main roads are fine, but I think I will now only go out if I have too, running around for fun will be put on hold till the snow clears a bit.. :confused:

Posted 01 Dec 2010, 13:08 #18 

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(Site Admin)
[smug mode]Yet another gloriously sunny day here, quite nippy with again a very light dusting of snow over night. The roads are clear and as usual virtually devoid of traffic.[/smug mode]

Posted 01 Dec 2010, 14:14 #19 

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Great afternoon, blue sky, cold but no sign of the promised snow to date.
More snow and ice once going inland though.

"My lovely car now sold onto a very happy new owner.
I still love this marque and I will still be around, preferred selling to breaking, as a great runner and performer"

Posted 01 Dec 2010, 17:38 #20 
