Roverite wrote:Trebor,
I recently placed an order for a set of walnut and chrome bits from Simon and he is making them and posting them this week; looking forward to getting them, but I will probably leave the fitting until the warmer weather. He hasn't got the door trims yet, but I understand that you are checking the patterns for him.
Thanks for all the stuff you put on here and, subject to the weather, I hope to be at the next Nano meet. I see Monk and Arctic are going to be there, both of which I have met and I am looking forward to seeing your bits that Simon has done. I hope to be at Cosford as well.
Looking forward to meeting you,
yes it will be nice to meet you too and a few other members who are nano virgins !
Only a week to go !
Robs Car Gallery
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Planning is an unnatural process, much better to just get on with things, that way failure comes as a complete surprise instead of being preceeded by a period of worry and doubt