Vista to Windows 7 by Dave (Page 1 of 3)

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I've been struggling for a while now to get a Denon Network Player hifi streaming smoothly via iTunes. Basically the system works fine if streaming directly from my laptop, or from my (ex-Raistlin!) NAS drive, but the problem is selecting music. The Denon has a tiny display which is hard to read across the room, plus navigation is clatty. iTunes is really easy to select/navigate with, but the streaming is flaky to say the least!

Thought I'd hit an answer when I discovered that Windows Media Player 12 has support for network players (I'm on WMP11) but then, annoyingly, found that WMP is only for Windows 7 or 8 (and I'm on Vista :hissyfit: )

Now it's entirely possible that WMP12 might be no better as a streaming controller than iTunes is, but unless I can find an alternative media player that is, then an upgrade to Windows 7 seems to be my next port of call

So, is it possible/easy to move from Vista to 7 (as an upgrade rather than a fresh install) and where can I get it at a non-bank breaking price?! :)

Posted 05 Dec 2013, 17:05 #1 

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I moved from Vista to W7 Dave. It was perfectly straightforward but I always got the impression that things were not quite right afterwards and, once I found time to do a fresh install, it definitely seemed better.

In my view, W7 is the best Windows OS since 98. I've tried W8 several times but keep going back to W7.

I wonder if Twonky might have a solution to your streaming problem? Might be worth a look maybe?

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 05 Dec 2013, 17:53 #2 

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I used vista for a couple of weeks before upgrading to 7. That upgrade was easy and worked fine, though the machine, three years later, is starting to need a re-install.

Posted 05 Dec 2013, 19:37 #3 

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Setup Serviio.. on my dads PC , to work with a Sony DVD blu ray player via LAN plugs , works well with movies ( AVi/mp4) . has music capability too

Got one for Me , Then one for her, and now a big one for me again, All BLOO! Well saves on the touch up paint, Now Number one son's Spoilt it all by getting a Firefrost 1.8T

Posted 05 Dec 2013, 20:14 #4 

Last edited by ceedy on 05 Dec 2013, 20:16, edited 1 time in total.

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Dave wrote:So, is it possible/easy to move from Vista to 7 (as an upgrade rather than a fresh install)

Don't do that! In my opinion that's wasting time, even if it doesn't look like that in the first place. You'll be better of doing a fresh install of Windows 7 anyway.

Posted 05 Dec 2013, 20:15 #5 

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Thanks for the suggestions guys

TBH, I'd probably be better off getting a new laptop! Not really keen on doing that though, as I don't want to be spending any more money at the moment, plus the current one works pretty well and I hate swapping over - all that copying of stuff!

Posted 06 Dec 2013, 09:58 #6 

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Dave wrote:TBH, I'd probably be better off getting a new laptop! Not really keen on doing that though

Dave, buy a new one and you'll end up with the infamous "8". :stirer:

I guess then it will be inevitable to downgrade to Windows 7. The bottom line is that you'll do a new installation anyway. ;)

Well, never say never. It could be possible that you are one of the few who can cope with Win 8 indeed. The best way to find out is getting your hands "dirty" of course. Then you can make the right decision for yourself.

How old is your computer? Did you buy it with Vista pre-installed or did you an upgrade some years ago? Win 7 doesn't need more resources than Vista.

Posted 06 Dec 2013, 13:03 #7 

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Laptop is about, I guess, 4 years old? Had Vista on it at the time, and I hated it then, so tried (but failed) to downgrade to XP!

No way do I want 8!

Going to try Serviio next (and Twonky for the phone, although I think I might already have that, but just not known what to do with it!!)

Posted 06 Dec 2013, 13:12 #8 

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Dave wrote:Laptop is about, I guess, 4 years old? Had Vista on it at the time

Then 7 shouldn't be a problem at all, given that you can buy a licence for a reasonable price.

Posted 06 Dec 2013, 15:57 #9 

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Just tried Serviio and tbh, I have no idea what I am doing with it! Not sure it's doing what I'd hoped!

Any suggestions for alternative (and free! ;) ) WMP/iTunes alternatives?

Posted 06 Dec 2013, 18:57 #10 

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Dave wrote:Any suggestions for alternative (and free! ;) ) WMP/iTunes alternatives?

Sorry Dave, can't help with that. :confused:
(Though I could suggest an alternative OS ...)

Posted 06 Dec 2013, 19:12 #11 

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Dave, I'm not familiar with the Denon device but, if it is DLNA compatible, TwonkyMedia server should be more than capable of providing the streaming you require.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 06 Dec 2013, 19:35 #12 

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Cheers Paul - I think the Denon is DNLA compliant (this is the unit and link suggests it should be DLNA!)

Is Twonky available for Windows? I more or less have links from the phone sussed (flaky, but usable) but need something for the laptop now!

Posted 07 Dec 2013, 11:02 #13 

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Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 07 Dec 2013, 15:17 #14 

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Thanks Paul! :)

Posted 07 Dec 2013, 17:16 #15 

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Dave wrote:Just tried Serviio and tbh, I have no idea what I am doing with it! Not sure it's doing what I'd hoped!

Any suggestions for alternative (and free! ;) ) WMP/iTunes alternatives?

you just install it as per the instructions ..

Run the Config (i.e setup & tell Serviio where to find the folders of files) for Music, Video & images if you don't want any just leave them out .

If your network is ok the Denon Should? find them ok .. ?

Works very well with a Sony Bluray player connected to a PC through the routerand mains wiring LAN plugs, Even My 83 year old DAD gets on with it ? :lol:

C .
Got one for Me , Then one for her, and now a big one for me again, All BLOO! Well saves on the touch up paint, Now Number one son's Spoilt it all by getting a Firefrost 1.8T

Posted 08 Dec 2013, 10:00 #16 

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:em: :em: :em:

I'll have another go with Serviio. I couldn't see how to actually make it play music, but I was trying two or three different things at the same time and probably wasn't concentrating properly!

In the meantime, I'd also like to report that Twonky seems to be doing a good job! :mrgreen: It's got 30 days to go before I have to stump up £13 for a licence, but if I can get it to work properly, then it could be a winner (by this, I mean it's streaming as it should be, thankfully with no stuttering, but the interface seems a little slow, although I expect this is probably down to my oldish laptop!)

Posted 08 Dec 2013, 11:17 #17 

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A couple of Twonky questions if I may? :mrgreen:

Been having a lot of success with this. Been playing today and managed a good 20+ songs with no stuttering or stopping in playback at all, so very impressed. However, occasionally it stops within the queue of up and coming songs, but this is much easier to accept than breaks in actual songs, and easy to rectify by pressing "play" once more.

Also, just had a moment when it "lost" the Denon Network Player (and playback stopped) but again, once it found it again, all was well. Oh, and then it lost the NAS drive and simply can't find it again. At the moment, I'm doing the playback via my Smartphone, which is working well. Guessing a laptop re-boot will sort the desktop version of Twonky (clearly the NAS is OK as it's streaming at present). TBH, I think my laptop is getting a bit cronky!

One last thing. Twonky seems to put all album tracks in alphabetical order which is very annoying! I usually can't remember song titles, but do know that I like "the third track" on such and such an album, so when it's re-arranged, I can't find it! Any suggestions would be appreciated! :)

Posted 11 Dec 2013, 17:34 #18 

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Dave, as far as I'm aware, Twonky plays tracks in accordance with their tag number. Maybe it might be worth looking at the tag numbers of your music files by using something like "Tag and Rename"?

Not sure why it seems to lose the NAS.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 11 Dec 2013, 18:07 #19 

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I think the losing of the NAS is definitely down to my laptop, not the NAS, as not only was phone-Twonky seeing it, but also it's reappeared after a laptop re-boot!

Is "Tag and Re-Name" a program? Would be nice if I could unearth a Twonky setting to make albums appear correctly, as with around 400 albums on so far, it would take a while to do manually!!

Posted 11 Dec 2013, 18:36 #20 
