I dealt with a case yesterday where the evidence from just such a helmet-cam was overwhelming.
A cyclist, resplendant in sweaty lycra, walked into Bilston Street Police station in Wolverhampton, slapped his helmet-cam down on the counter and demanded the Police view it and then prosecute a car driver for "dangerous driving" (his words).
The video was played in Court yesterday but unfortunately for lycra-man, it was he who stood charged with various offences, including failing to stop for a red light, failing to comply with a no entry sign, a very old charge called "cycling furiously", and cycling the wrong way up a one way street. Not content with that though, he was also charged with ABH, a Section 4 Public Order Act offence, threats to kill and criminal damage.
You may be ahead of me here but this is what we saw in Court:-
The video began with the alleged offence where a car driver "cut him up" but what actually happened was that he attempted to pass by the near-side of the car driver as the car was, quite correctly, turning left. Luckily for the cyclist, no collision took place. Quite possibly, the car driver could have taken a further look in his near-side mirror but it was debateable whether he would have seen the cyclist as the turn was in progress.
Thereafter, we were treated to damning evidence of the cyclist attempting to catch up with the car, which involved cycling on the pedestrian footpath, jumping a red light, cycling the wrong side of a central reservation and charging the wrong way down a one way street.
Fair play though, he eventually caught up with the car... and then proceeded to put the fear of god into the car driver, threatening to kill the driver, blow up his house etc, etc. and at the same time behave agressively to the passers-by who had the temerity to try and calm him down.
Retrieving something, which we assumed was a spanner, from his pannier, he then proceeded to hit the body-work of the car, smashing the door mirror, denting the bodywork, in several places and eventually smashing the driver's window, at the same time keeping the onlookers at bay by brandishing it. Until this time, the understandably terrifed driver had remained in his car with the doors locked but a shower of glass from the window forced him out, at which point the cyclist gave him a "Glesga kiss" with the cycling helmet, breaking his nose, giving him a suspected fractured eye socket and putting him flat out on the road.
The video had no soundtrack but there were sufficient witnesses to add what was actually said to the visual evidence. He finished off with words to the effect that "all you bastards are the same but I've got you this time, I'm going straight to the Police and then you'll be in trouble". As I said, words to the effect

At which point he got back on his bike and cycled off.
The case was adjourned for reports with an "all options" indication.
I do hope this video eventually finds itself on YouTube.
Remarkably high quality images from such a small device

Some people are just a sandwich short of a picnic.
The car driver was not prosecuted.