VeeKay saves the day by Raistlin

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SWMBO woke me at just short of 02:00 this morning and told me to get dressed and get the car out.

When I looked a little surprised, as you would, she explained that the weather had turned so hot and humid that she needed a break and VeeKay's A/C was to do the honours. I must admit that she did look somewhat distressed :(

Well, VeeKay's A/C is a little temperamental at the moment but SWMBO gave me a look I couldn't refuse :lol: so at just after 02:00 we drove off around the local motorway network at a steady 55 mph with the A/C on full. Vent temps reached a cosy 3.4 degrees with ambient external temperature and humidity being 21 degrees and 88% respectively:)

Sixty five miles later we returned, and in the time it took me to garage the car, SWMBO vanished upstairs and was fast asleep when i followed a few minutes later, in fact, just before the torrential rain started in this neck of the woods :)

Job done. Thanks to VeeKay :)

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 23 Jul 2013, 18:08 #1 

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If only my A/C worked :-D then my wife would do the same

Posted 23 Jul 2013, 20:36 #2 
