Unfortunately, I didn't record it. by Raistlin

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There was an article on local news this evening about the 100th anniversary of Aston Martin.

Amongst others, one of the shop floor workers was asked for his comments. When asked about the apparent excitement in the factory he said "Well - who knows when the next 100 year anniversary will be?".

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 15 Jan 2013, 19:27 #1 

Dave Goody
Last year I was doing a presentation on Poultry Incubation in Asia and I mentioned a hatchery in England as being our most modern. The Millenium hatchery. The 1st question was, when was it opened?
Shortly after I was in South Africa discussing with a large group the advantages of a cheap disinfectant V an expensive one. I asked one of the group why he used the cheap version as it would not help with his particular problems. His answer, " I know it won't work but its much cheaper"
You couldn't make it up could you? Dave

Posted 16 Jan 2013, 13:21 #2 
