This morning I drove my son to school, normally on a dry clear morning we would walk, but today we took the car. I was astounded to see three drivers on the road with less than 75% of their windscreens clear, This was on a 2 mile round trip

. One driver had simply scraped a "peephole" to see out of, leaving the majority of the Windscreen frozen over, along with the door windows all frozen over. This idiot probably never even gave a second thought to the fact he / she was a moving death threat, esdpecially to Cyclists - as not being able to see the near side they would have no indication as to what is there. The second driver had managed to clear half her windscreen, but still lacked total visibility from the Passenger side of her vehicle and side windows, again total idiocy.
But the pillock of the day award has to go to the driver of the Y registered Mercedes Van
who was tailgating me on my drive home, Flashing his lights for me to let him pass as he was clearly in a rush. His
windscreen was so frozen over I could not see him 
, so how on Earth this dipstick could see me was a very worrying question.
My wife has, this week alone, attended 3 Fatal Road traffic incidents. Idiots like these three are the reason why.