Ultimate Remote with OEM key-fob owners please note **UPDATE by Raistlin (Page 3 of 5)

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takestock wrote:Is the upgrade a straight swap for the original one Paul? Or is there more electrickery reqd?

PMed :)

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 02 Aug 2014, 09:54 #41 

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And quite painless I might add :)
Photobucket = Tossers


Posted 02 Aug 2014, 12:10 #42 

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Wolleysox had his ultimate remote mod finished earlier today but there was an issue.

It all worked fine on testing to start with, opening and closing , locks, mirrors ,windows and sunroof all opening and closing when expected to, but we then discovered when the car was left for a while the locks opened fine but not the mirrors although the second press worked to open the windows , and again when locking all locked except the mirrors.

If we however opened the mirrors via the Powerfold switch they worked on the ultimate remote again for a while and then stopped again but they work constantly using the Powerfold switch.

When Rob got home and locked the car the mirrors did close with the ultimate remote so he will be test driving the mod over the next few days, I believe he has an older board with the new chip developed by Duncan
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Robs Car Gallery

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Planning is an unnatural process, much better to just get on with things, that way failure comes as a complete surprise instead of being preceeded by a period of worry and doubt

Posted 22 Oct 2014, 19:06 #43 

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It sounds like you are missing the pulse that 'wakes up' the window switchpack. It could be a missing feed, faulty hardware, or an oddity where the software on the new version doesn't activate it for long enough.

See how it goes, and let me know.

Posted 22 Oct 2014, 20:36 #44 

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I concur with Duncan's views. If it happens again, observe the red LED (Light Emitting Diode) in the switchpack whilst unlocking and see it if lights up please.

Also, please confirm that the permanent live terminal is connected to a permanent, not switched, supply :)

It seems to have a problem only when unlocking locking as I understand it, which is when the switchpack relies on the module generated 12 volt stimulus. A way to test this would be to switch the car off and wait until the red LED goes out and then attempt to lock the car.

Please let me know the results :)

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 22 Oct 2014, 20:55 #45 

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Ok both i will let Steve and Woolley know if they don't see this thread first and ensure feedback posted on here
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Robs Car Gallery

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Planning is an unnatural process, much better to just get on with things, that way failure comes as a complete surprise instead of being preceeded by a period of worry and doubt

Posted 22 Oct 2014, 21:37 #46 

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Any updates please?

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 24 Oct 2014, 19:37 #47 

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I heard from Rob earlier today and he says it is all working fine without issues, he may however tweak it so that the mirrors don't open and close each time the car is opened and closed as he seems to prefer using the PF switch

My own car has been off the road since the accident but prior to that the ultimate remote was faultless
Robs Pictures at :

Robs Car Gallery

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Planning is an unnatural process, much better to just get on with things, that way failure comes as a complete surprise instead of being preceeded by a period of worry and doubt

Posted 24 Oct 2014, 21:27 #48 

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Trebor wrote:I heard from Rob earlier today and he says it is all working fine without issues, he may however tweak it so that the mirrors don't open and close each time the car is opened and closed as he seems to prefer using the PF switch

My own car has been off the road since the accident but prior to that the ultimate remote was faultless

Every MOT time I disconnect the wire that goes into the powerfold switch. my MOT man likes to show everyone and it really irks me.
So that is all you would need to to with Robs to disable that part of it :)
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Posted 26 Oct 2014, 10:29 #49 

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Another advantage of having a separate remote of course, is that when you hand the car over to your garage etc. you just take the remote off the key ring and the car behaves as standard :)

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 26 Oct 2014, 10:38 #50 

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Hi guys my remote appears to be working fine now including the mirrors .As Rob said I am considering disconnecting the mirrors as I use my car on a Dailey basis and can be in and out of the car on numerous occasions throughout the day and I'm concerned re the wear and tear on the mirrors with unnecessary opening and closing. I like to add my thanks to Steve Dev and rob for the installation Paul for the diodes crimps & tools not forgetting Duncan for the T4 (Testbook version 4.Computer Diagnostic System). Thanks guys


Posted 26 Oct 2014, 17:55 #51 

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Just an update.window switch went faulty and was replaced complete by Steve Still had the problem of mirrors not opening if car left for any length of time. spoke to Paul and he is correct after being left for any length of time the pulse is missing as no light on switch pack. Using the car normally if I stop and get out immediately when I lock the car the mirrors close when I return to the car the mirrors don't open until I ativate the switch. We will investigate this at the first nano. Nb for a while until the switch packed up everything appeared to work fine so maybe it's a wire adrift in th door. Two weeks ago I got back to the car to find everything open to the world. Steve removed the fuse so we can investigate at the nano. I intend to reconnect the fuse two weeks before the nano in case it was my error that everything was open and will monitor it. I have to park in some shall we say less then ideal areas with my job so the car opens to the world is not good. Hope to see some of you guys at the nano social or the first nano



Posted 15 Feb 2015, 19:29 #52 

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Thanks for the feedback, Rob. It's an interesting one, since as I heard, the windows were open but the car locked. In theory, that's not possible, but of course it must be because it happened.

Posted 15 Feb 2015, 19:37 #53 

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The mirrors not moving is, as we diagnosed, a simple wiring fault Rob which we'll fix at the nano... if you don't turn up here first :lol:

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 15 Feb 2015, 19:42 #54 

Last edited by Raistlin on 15 Feb 2015, 20:30, edited 1 time in total.

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Thanks Paul keep you posted



Posted 15 Feb 2015, 20:14 #55 

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An update from me on the previously faultless performance of the UR with new chip.

I have a PF mirror on the blink which needs new gears but until I get round to doing it I have disconnected the UR wire that goes to the PF switch so the mirrors operate just on the PF switch, but since I have done it I have had several instances of the old problem of windows opening when unlocking car with fob.

Not sure if it should be possible with just the one wire disconnected but it is actually happening, and has happened about half a dozen times I would say over a period of weeks
Robs Pictures at :

Robs Car Gallery

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Planning is an unnatural process, much better to just get on with things, that way failure comes as a complete surprise instead of being preceeded by a period of worry and doubt

Posted 05 Mar 2015, 22:28 #56 

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Now that's interesting Rob. I certainly wouldn't have expected it to happen, but it points to an oddity with the window switchpack if it doesn't get woken by a pulse from the UR. Let me have a think how we can prove it!

Posted 06 Mar 2015, 07:49 #57 

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Very odd.

At first glance, I can't see how the one is related to the other :(

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 06 Mar 2015, 08:20 #58 

Nought as queer as folk and electronics :)

That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play


Posted 06 Mar 2015, 08:26 #59 

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Rob. Can you confirm which of the two wires to the window switch is disconnected, please? There's a 12v pulse with a diode, plus one to the switch itself.

Posted 06 Mar 2015, 14:20 #60 
