Turned a corner?? by takestock (Page 2 of 2)

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glad to hear :clap: :thumbsup: hope things keep well for you :cheers:

Posted 19 Mar 2011, 16:58 #21 

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calibrax wrote:Yay! Excellent news. Have been through the whole "at risk" process myself a few years ago, it's a very stressful time, so I'm happy for you that you won't have to go through that!


Thanks for the support Steve, actually been "at risk" for the last 90 days prior to this decision, (two week before Christmas) you are right, it is stressful and it creeps up on you day by day, you don't realise just how bad it gets until you are through the other side :).

Now, which is warmer in June, Majorca/Menorca or Canaries? tough one Canaries a little warmer but a lot windier.... Decisions, Decisions...............
Photobucket = Tossers


Posted 19 Mar 2011, 17:16 #22 

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I very pleased to hear that Dave, it must have been very difficult for you of late!
Superabit omnia virtus

Posted 19 Mar 2011, 17:37 #23 
