Thoughts on tablets by PaulT

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Thinking of buying Yve a tablet - to provide an alternative to her laptop. Mainly, surfing the web, skype, looking at photos etc.

The Samsung Galaxy Pro 10.1 seems to get fairly good write ups - do not like Apple products - suppose ideally max £250 but happy to go to £350 for the right product. Any thoughts?

That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play


Posted 25 Jun 2015, 19:06 #1 

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I would have said an iPad. But it's Apple so you rule it out.

Posted 25 Jun 2015, 19:59 #2 

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Gill has a Kindle (the sort that is a tablet rather than just an e-reader) but she doesn't use it a lot. When she does, it's for the e-book element or watching Lovefilm stuff (except the latter is in the past now, as we don't subscribe any more!)

My mum has an iPad, which she hardly ever uses. When I look stuff up on it for her, must say it's a pain when you are used to Windows,plus typing anything is a nightmare!

Posted 25 Jun 2015, 20:57 #3 

I have a Galaxy S Tab which is very good. Smaller screen than the iPad but fits in my hand nice and not heavy (I have an old iPad). Had some issues with quick discharging when bought but a few discharges and full charges later it performs well. However it was irritating at the time plus there's lots of people on the net with the same gripe. I did wonder if I had a duff one!

Posted 26 Jun 2015, 13:09 #4 

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Bought 3 of these just before Xmas

Cheapy Chinese .. All still going strong, fast , long battery life .

the one for the Grandson has had its Touch screen busted twice since .. ( typical kid) .. and I've got replacement screens easily and mended it ) ..

Got one for Me , Then one for her, and now a big one for me again, All BLOO! Well saves on the touch up paint, Now Number one son's Spoilt it all by getting a Firefrost 1.8T

Posted 27 Jun 2015, 09:15 #5 

Many thanks for the replies. Opted for the Samsung Galaxy ProTab 10.1.

That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play


Posted 27 Jun 2015, 14:46 #6 

