This'll do nicely by Raistlin

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Wonderfully warm and sunny day here in Devon today. Still pleasant enough to be sitting outside the chalet drinking a pint (or two) of the local Otter brew. Middle of a forest, superbly quiet and so little light pollution that the night sky is a revelation.

Paignton and Dartmouth steam railway tomorrow.

Tell you what though, really pleased that VeeKay has auto transmission with the roads round here :lol:

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 03 Sep 2013, 20:32 #1 

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Glad to hear your having a great time.

I have been down thay way a few times with work and always enjoyed the easy lifestyle

Posted 03 Sep 2013, 21:03 #2 

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I am jealous. I only had holidays in Costa-Del-Dudley this year LOL :-)

Posted 03 Sep 2013, 21:52 #3 

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(Site Admin)
You picked a really good time, weather-wise, Paul enjoy the rest of your hols.

Posted 03 Sep 2013, 22:03 #4 
