Now I have seen cars hogging the middle lane as this one seems to do with no vehicle in the inside lane and an HGV that is not permitted to use the outside lane trying to get past the car.
That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play

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raistlin wrote:The solution of course, is to report them and allow the authorities to take appropriate action, albeit very unlikely to get to Court.
Jumper wrote:Wow! That's an exciting thought! Our HGV continental cousins exceeding their limits to avoid tailbacks! Novel!
Seriously, if a car in lane 1 is being driven at, say, 60, and a HGV wants to overtake, he exceeds his permitted maximum by a hefty margin and overtakes in lane 2? Doesn't it matter that his Tachograph is evidence of a contravention? Maybe my conservatism (small 'c') is out of date, wouldn't be the only occasion but it's worrying.