The things the Magistrates have to deal with by Raistlin

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Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 02 Jun 2014, 10:57 #1 

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I would have thought that this should have been the reason not to bring charges -
"They used a master key to unlock the door and they then observed the accused wearing only a white t-shirt, naked from the waist down."

What about all those pop "stars" with their lewd acts on stage and hardly behind a locked door?
I don't like signatures, they take up too much screen space.

Posted 02 Jun 2014, 11:21 #2 

I would imagine ultimately he was disappointed. People have been using that local bike for years according to hotel spokesman

Posted 02 Jun 2014, 15:51 #3 

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Jumper wrote:I would imagine ultimately he was disappointed. People have been using that local bike for years according to hotel spokesman

YUCK! Not the concept. The joke !

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 02 Jun 2014, 16:26 #4 

Dave Goody
The bike in question was under 15 years old! It would have made a better headline if it was a transexual on a trycycle

Posted 02 Jun 2014, 17:20 #5 

Police interview room:
'What have you to say about this momentary lapse in propriety?'

'The young lady asked me what I wanted so I told her. She said "on yer bike" and left in something of a hurry. I thought she was going to get the bowyanks. Honest Guv'.

(Translation from scouselatin for southern softies: bowyanks = bicycle clips)

Posted 02 Jun 2014, 20:57 #6 

