He promptly turned up and had a look around. First thing he commented on was the size of garden, it's around a third of an acre. Passed the comment that we'd get a lot of houses on a plot this side????? Hmmm.
Anyway he said if we decided to go ahead with it he would arrange for someone to call to measure up? This would cost about £700.00. Seven hundred pounds for a bloke with a tape measure???? He would then draw us a sketch - £800.00 Eight hundred pounds for a fag packet???? Then there would be a proper drawing - £1200.00. Twelve hundred pounds for a couple of sheets of A2.
His total bill would be in the region of £4000.00.
When at our first house we had some drawings completed for, if IRC, £400.00 but that was 12 years ago. Have they really gone up that much?
Sorry if there are any architects on here, but is this what it really costs nowadays?
And no we are not selling it to a developer.