That's what I call nasty. by Raistlin

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We were sat in Sainsburys cafe having lunch today.

One of the other customers whom we know brings her son in and he suffered a certain amount of brain damage in a car accident and so is sometimes a little louder than he might otherwise be. Lovely lad though, and sharp as a razor.

Today his Mum left him at a table whilst she went to the counter and he decided to have a singalong to himself.

Now, the chap opposite me had been there for a while and was clearly disabled in as much as he was in a wheelchair and, whilst being able to communicate perfectly, if a little too loudly, was unable apparently to stop himself drooling.

He turned to look at the lad who was singing, and to my surprise, began cruelly to mimic the lad, followed by a comment about letting spackers (sic) out on their own.

I found that dreadfully sad.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 17 Apr 2016, 14:47 #1 

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Indeed it is Paul, those who live in greenhouses shouldn't throw stones, comes to mind.

"My lovely car now sold onto a very happy new owner.
I still love this marque and I will still be around, preferred selling to breaking, as a great runner and performer"

Posted 18 Apr 2016, 20:37 #2 
