Gail was wonderful, providing coffee and a scrummy Bacon and Egg sarnie. Bruno was happily playing with my Son, who spent 6 hours behaving himself, which for a 7 year old, a large task :p BTW( We need a Bruno appreciation thread, I have never seen a Dog who follows orders like he does - Steve said "Go to teh Back Garden" and Bruno did just that !! I wish my Kids would be that obedient sometimes :p :p :p)
The only problem we encountered was forgetting to fit teh Bumper polystyerene bits and then alsmost forgetting to put them on after we took teh Bumper off to refit them (I am still giggling at this)oh and my doziness of fitting two of teh Bumper screws to the lower Pipes causing us to remove the Bumper to fit the correct bolts(ahem cough cough)
My Drive home was a pleasant one, with a noticable difference to teh Car
So Thank You Steve, You are a Star
Fitted Electric Memory Seat, Leather Cubby Lid, Wood Dash, Message Centre.