Sun 20 Oct 2013 Midlands Nano at Teddybears Nursery by Trebor (Page 4 of 6)

Sorry i could not make this today guys, hope you all had a great day ;)
I'm not quite right you know.........

Posted 20 Oct 2013, 17:06 #61 

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Another great meet to end the nano meets for this year I counted 53 cars getting a bit tight for space at Teddy Bears but still a great day Duncan,The Monk,Arctic were hard at it all day as usual but lots of other we're getting stuck in I'm sure lots of,pictures to follow. Many old,friend and a lot of,new faces as well .

Happy days


Posted 20 Oct 2013, 18:47 #62 

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Great day today (until I got soaked and had to beat a hasty retreat) nice to put some faces to names, until next time.

Posted 20 Oct 2013, 19:15 #63 

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Rob, yes there were many people working hard and I was also glad of the help with T4ing. Paul (raistlin) took some of the load, and Chris (super chip) did some sterling organisation to help the flow of people by finding the next owner in the queue and so on.

I'm glad we sorted Chucks car too. Very patient man, and although he said he'd not seen his car in so many bits before, was still OK with my ripping apparently random bits off.

We for sure need to think about how we organise these meets, as although it's good to see more people, I really feel that some are only turning up for a Free T4 (Testbook version 4.Computer Diagnostic System) and then clearing off. It comes to something when I'm trying to help a regular Nanoer with their problem and some 'lady' tells us to get out of the way so she can have a free session on MY T4! Still no idea who she was. The T4 list helped, but we still had aggro about who was next, how long they were waiting, but worst of all people daring to want a break. I think a good sit down to figure out how we bring back the real ethos of the meets is needed. If nothing else we need to remind people they are a cross forum / forumless meet, and some aren't on every forum. That means if people are in cliques, and don't introduce themselves at the very least, they aren't contributing to the whole event. There are more people like this, who clearly know each other and treat some of us like dirt, at each event. We can fix this, but only if everyone is prepared to talk to each other! I'm not going to name names, of course, because I don't have the faintest who they are!

Sorry if that sounded like a rant. Also it's usually the wrong people who think they might be being mentioned. The majority are good guys (which includes boys and girls for the record), who help out in their own way. You don't have to change someone's fan to be helping. Just telling newcomers about things to check, passing on tips and so on, are good too.

Posted 20 Oct 2013, 19:35 #64 

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Wise words Duncan and we cannot allow anyone turning up and expecting that things get done to their cars as some sort of right, demanding such and then leaving, it is just against the whole spirit of the meets, but thankfully this is a minority of those attending

We should all remember that the regular crew members give up their time, equipment and advice for free and put in a days work which can be tiring, frustrating and enjoyable all at the same time, but the least we expect from those attending is some tolerance on the day as inevitably things wont always run like clockwork. I myself dominated most of Davids time on his T4 trying to sort out my ABS (Antilock Braking System) pump which couldnt be helped. This is now the second meet to my knowledge that such behaviour has crept in by just a few people and in the end it may lead to crew members walking away which we certainly do not want to happen

We have no more meets in 2013 now and have plenty of time to rethink and regroup for next year, first thing I need to do is find out if we can use the Four Ashes in 2014 as Nigel is leaving, and then the nano elders can meet and plan for next year. We should also maybe consider Teddybears as a venue as with the football club now up and running, as 55 cars is too many to handle there.

Thanks to Mick we will likely have a better forum on the Nano's own website before long and we can keep everything in one place and make it easier to organise ourselves.

I would like to thank everyone who helped today either with with jobs, advice or just making an effort to get to know other members, pictures will be on the nano website asap
Robs Pictures at :

Robs Car Gallery

click below to access nano website

Planning is an unnatural process, much better to just get on with things, that way failure comes as a complete surprise instead of being preceeded by a period of worry and doubt

Posted 20 Oct 2013, 19:59 #65 

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It was a great meet. I think the whole ethos is spot on but if people are turning up and taking the pee, it does need addressing. i know I didn't get to talk to as many folk as I would have liked as I was busy helping folk with odds and sods. never did get around to fitting my replacement lower engine mount.

If there is any way i can formally help out at future meets, I am more than willing to.


Dave :-)

Posted 20 Oct 2013, 20:06 #66 

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pictures I took are now on Nano website below, select " Past Meets " page
Robs Pictures at :

Robs Car Gallery

click below to access nano website

Planning is an unnatural process, much better to just get on with things, that way failure comes as a complete surprise instead of being preceeded by a period of worry and doubt

Posted 20 Oct 2013, 21:06 #67 

I have felt that you guys are being run ragged since i've been attending the nano meets, as mentioned something needs to be put in place as the freeloading in my eyes is just getting worse at every meet, yes the usual guys running around sorting all the problems out that folks have, is it not too much too ask for those people to put a little help back into the meets instead of just taking what they need then fleeing the scene?
Hope you can get it sorted guys as many of us know, without you then these cars will dwindle from the roads at an alarming rate!
Look forward to seeing you all in the new year & helping out as & where i can!;)

I'm not quite right you know.........

Posted 20 Oct 2013, 21:46 #68 

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(Site Admin)
It has been a good day out. Well, that's what I expected it to be. ;) I enjoyed it very much.

I fully agree with the statements made by Duncan and Rob above. As selfish behavior of a minority is creeping in, this issue needs to be addressed in order to keep the spirit of the Nano Meets alive. But I'm confident that we'll find a way to do so.

Bernard, please send Janina my best wishes.

Posted 20 Oct 2013, 21:52 #69 

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(Site Admin)
I'm sure with a bit of thought and application the Nano elders and we can all help make the Nano meets run more smoothly. Rob, Duncan and Paul already made some good suggestions and, with a few months to get things sorted it will all work out.

Posted 20 Oct 2013, 22:04 #70 

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My first ROVER Nano meet and I enjoyed every minute. I was not sure exactly what to expect so approached it with a totally open mind. I had read all the write up on previous meets and the concentration of the teamwork of getting work done on cars that, in many cases, the owners were not totally confident to carry out. After speaking with a few leading hands I do agree that success does bring in other issues. I was absolutely amassed at the turnout.
I can level this to event we run in Scotland with a local car club covering enthusiasts of past marques. We started putting on events in the Edinburgh area, fist drawing 10 cars them 30, and after about five years it peaked at 1400 vehicles. Now the organisation AND THE INITIAL OBJECTIVES dramatically altered during that period as did the finances regarding locations as we climaxed with hiring the Royal Highland Showground with paying public and a financial loss.
My point is not to loose sight of your basic objectives of holding the meets. Keeping the Rover / MG Marque profile high and the cars on the road, the social mix and companionship, sharing all the technical knowledge that was in abundance on Sunday. The assistance that was given and taking on a non-financial footing. PLUS LOTS MORE.

Maybe a few suggestions ( without stepping on any toes ). Setting the area out into the following parts. ???
1) Work Area
2) T4 area
3) Spares swop and any sales etc.
4) Display area.

The Burger Caravan was indeed a godsend and should always ( as yesterday) well positioned. AND WELL SUPPORTED.

I felt I could have contributed more yesterday, however, in my circulating learned one hell of a lot, and was really made welcome. When I asked a question on a replacement Radio I was immediately shown round four cars with after market upgrades and the direction to pursue ( which I will ).

Hope to attend some meets next year during my travels between Edinburgh and the Midlands.



Posted 21 Oct 2013, 10:23 #71 

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How the blazes did FIBRE GLASS SHED get in ??? I typed in CARAVAN !!!. Modern OBC (On Board Computer) stepping in .......

Posted 21 Oct 2013, 10:27 #72 

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Posted 21 Oct 2013, 10:28 #73 

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OH I give UP

Posted 21 Oct 2013, 10:28 #74 

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Bermudan 75
The community does not have any real rules apart from the automatic one that prevents you from typing in the word caravan which as an anogram reads vanacar.

Good to hear you enjoyed the nano btw.



Posted 21 Oct 2013, 10:36 #75 

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And I thought it was my ENGLISH ( Sorry Scottish ) funicular !!!!!!!

Posted 21 Oct 2013, 10:44 #76 

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Bermudan 75
Sorry I missed this meet folks, seems you had a good one though despite the unfortunate incidents mentioned above.

And why did I miss this meet you may well ask, well number 1, the car needs a new silencer rear box to get through it's MoT thingy and number 2, I got myself a few new toys:
Image :rolling:



Posted 21 Oct 2013, 10:55 #77 

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It was an absolute pleasure to meet you Drummond both at the Saturday evening meal and the meet itself and i do hope you can make another in 2014. Thanks also for your suggestions which are common sense and shoudnt take too much organising.

Re the caravan its Mick's little joke as he must hate them, but as usual there is a workaround, just type as car avan or something similar to get your own back !
Robs Pictures at :

Robs Car Gallery

click below to access nano website

Planning is an unnatural process, much better to just get on with things, that way failure comes as a complete surprise instead of being preceeded by a period of worry and doubt

Posted 21 Oct 2013, 11:42 #78 

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(Site Admin)
Don't mention the "C" word. :panic: :whump:

Posted 21 Oct 2013, 12:20 #79 

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Mick, I have a long memory so will not mention it today !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 21 Oct 2013, 13:17 #80 

