I was going to go to the nano-meet, at least for a while, today to take my mind off things to do with my Father's rapidly approaching funeral.
Unfortunately, during the last few days, at work and at Court, the only thing I found that I couldn't cope with was the sympathy and good wishes of friends and colleagues. Knowing many of the nano-meeters, I thought it best not to attend as the weather was miserable enough anyway

I think I made the right decision, because Rob has told me a couple of hours ago that a collection was taken up for me to use in memory of my Father.
Now, I always knew that the nano-meeters were an altruistic bunch but I have to say that for once in my life I was lost for words and the cynicism, which is my normal wont, vanished.
I am truly stunned by the generosity of spirit and, while the words seem inadequate, would like to thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
I have just phoned Mother to tell her the news and she asks me to pass on her heartfelt thanks as well.
I suppose it must take a certain type of person to attend a meet for no other reason than to work on other people's cars and this has been a confirmation and an affirmation of all that the nano-meet stands for.
Mother has insisted upon family flowers only and has arranged for a collection for Altzheimer's Association so I will add your collection to that.
Some of you will be aware that my Father, whilst in the later stages of Altzheimer's, actually died of cancer. Mother's logic for the choice of charity is that, while Cancer Research is a wonderful thing to make a donation towards, Altzheimer's Association is still seen as one of the 'Cinderella' charities and deserves to have it's profile raised for the research they are funding into this most heart breaking of conditions.
Thank you all. My friends.