So called tradesmen by Raistlin

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"There's no work" "Any job, big or small" "Any work just to keep body and soul together" "Gissa job, I can do that"

Well, it's all a load of rowlocks. We have two internal doors needing fitting and we've now asked a total of four "Local tradesmen" who all say they'll be "round next week" but never turn up and never reply to messages.

Of course, while you're waiting for the call to say "on my way", which never comes, time marches on because you can't ask anybody else. Five bloody weeks we've been waiting now :(

There's just no honour any more :(

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 07 Nov 2014, 10:33 #1 

It all started when home publishing burst upon us. All of a sudden everybody who had been ‘let go’ by builders/joinery works/transport/gardening outlets could make up their own leaflets and get their kids to take the risk getting eaten by the estates’ killer dogs when delivering those pamphlets of lies and impending doom. I hope for the day when the last line of these barely literate tomes says: ‘you only pay after the job has been done, and to your complete satisfaction’.

With those two internal doors (unless they are Building Reg. Fire doors) beware the ‘door hanger’ who insists that he places the middle hinge closer to the top hinge (one third down) than the bottom one - with the legend: ‘oh yes, they are like that to give perspective when looking down the edge’. An old one, but still in use.

Posted 07 Nov 2014, 18:22 #2 

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The job is done... and admirably, by Rob and Steve (Devilish) and to merely say thanks would be woefully inadequate reflection on the sterling work they've done today.

I briefly saw them as I left for work this morning, imagining a two or three hour job. They were still here when I returned home, having practically had to re-model one of the new doors due to the shoddy cheap modern production procedures.

It was getting on for 8:00 pm before they finally left.

And, in the spirit of the nano-meet, at no charge. I respect the spirit of the nano-meet but I WILL find a way to repay the generosity shown to Marion and I today.

Cheers guys - I just don't know what else to say - thanks.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 24 Nov 2014, 22:26 #3 

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It was a pleasure Paul we had to devise a way to get our hands on some of Marion's mince pies and spending a few hours door hanging was our master plan
For anyone who has ever hung doors you will know that fitting to old jams that are not straight presents a bit of a challenge especially when the doors do not seem to contain much wood these days but we got there in the end and left the customer happy, doors just need a coat of paint
Robs Pictures at :

Robs Car Gallery

click below to access nano website

Planning is an unnatural process, much better to just get on with things, that way failure comes as a complete surprise instead of being preceeded by a period of worry and doubt

Posted 24 Nov 2014, 22:49 #4 

