I have been smoke / Tobacco free for a week now, I started off on Niquitin Patches, but found these to not help much, though they where a Temporary measure whilst I waited delivery of my E-Cigs. I have heard lots about these E-Cigs, but was somewhat wary, so ordered a Liberro Starter pack.
I must say, I am incredibly impressed. Since I started using these, I have not had any cravings / issues. The patches, for whatever reason just didn't cut it with me, I found myself feeling agitated and in need of a cigarette quiet a lot. More so, I find I am not chugging away at 4 to 5 cigarettes before going to work, I simply have a few puffs at the E-Cig and I am happy, then just a couple of times during the work day and a few times during the evening.
I also find that having a Glass of Wine doesn't turn into a cravefest with teh E-Cigs, unlike the Patches :p
So, Fingers crossed

Fitted Electric Memory Seat, Leather Cubby Lid, Wood Dash, Message Centre.