First of all, they lose, or mislay, an important document.
Then, they tell you "We have your item" when you check the recorded delivery tracking web page.
OK, so eventually, after two weeks, you're getting a bit concerned so you phone up the 0845 number on the recorded delivery receipt.
Of course, it's all "automated". I use their choice of word owing to the fact that I tend to assume that automation is there to help and not to drive one to suicidal despair.
"Please say your reference number" ... "Please let me check I have that correct"
Six soddin' times I've been through that routine, each time having to endure a somewhat judgemental finger-wagging from the nice recorded lady for being silly enough not to follow their instructions.
OK, so, tell me, how does the pronunciation of the letters K F, end up being recorded by them as T R?
Is this perhaps, as well as a money spinner, a way to wear down the poor hapless unfortunate whose letter they've lost so that he or she just gives up the unequal struggle of human against machine. It's almost as debilitating as talking to a civil servant

There appears to be no way of actually talking to a sentient carbon-based life form at Royal Mail. ARE there any sentient carbon-based life forms at Royal Mail?
Does anybody on this forum work for Royal Mail?