Road Tax time again!!!! by daveb57

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Morning all,

Well, here we are again and it is the time when the nice folk at Swansea send me a brown envelope demanding that i part ,once again, with a very large slice of my hard earned!!!

As we are all aware, it has risen dramatically over the last few years with the previous administration in Downing Street really taking the rise out of all with the ridiculous system the have put in place to tax us to the hilt. Hit the motorist, the Government 'Cash Cow' Easy pickings are we not.

Opened it up, as i had to, to find that another 'stealthy' £10 has been added to the total, making it now ,£270 per annum to keep my car, which is my choice of vehicle that i desire to own, on the road.

Yes, there are some that will say, big car don't moan etc etc. As stated my choice. The government want all to be 'Green' running round in little tin boxes that do 1000 miles to the gallon etc. Run on electricity? Great if you like that sort of thing. and have a long extension lead!!!!

Do you see Mr Cameron, or any of his 'cronies' for that matter riding around in a Prius? The answer to that is no. A Jag will do nicely i think.

So, i will now have to go to the DVLA web site, press all the buttons and tick the right boxes and last but not least .........PUT IN MY CARD DETAILS!!!!!!!!!!

Hmmmm. An extra £10, wonder which pot hole i can claim along with the 260 that i am already responsible for!!

Rant over and a much lighter wallet to boot!!!

Dave :-D

Posted 09 Jan 2013, 10:42 #1 

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I'm convinced that cars running on electricity are less 'green' than one might think. After all, the electricity has to be generated in the first place.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 09 Jan 2013, 12:19 #2 

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raistlin wrote:I'm convinced that cars running on electricity are less 'green' than one might think. After all, the electricity has to be generated in the first place.

Precisely, as the electricity is generated by burning fossil fuels!

If you look at the whole life carbon footprint of a "Hybrid" car and it's through the roof, because of the production and disposal of the batteries!

Posted 09 Jan 2013, 12:29 #3 

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Borg Warner
Just had mine for the Landy and the same at £270, plus of course the admin fee for doing it on-line.

Have to totally agree with comments on these lecky powered things. Am I right in saying that the materials for the batteries is mined in Africa sent to north America and then sent over here for final assembly? And final disposal as well? Also how long do they last for, original costs, replacement etc. etc. etc.. And I'm sure owners also have to pay some sort of lease hire agreement for them???

Never mind we can always build more off-shore wind farms; that'l keep everything going.

Posted 09 Jan 2013, 12:57 #4 

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(Site Admin)
Just wait for the electric cars to be a common sight on our roads. Then there will be a massive increase either in road tax (to cover the lost petrol tax as well) or the electricity prices will go through the roof. :panic:

Posted 09 Jan 2013, 15:58 #5 

Non-political but definitely environmental:

The clamour from the zealots about ‘green’ issues and ’the environment’ has a very focussed and relevant aim. ( I’m talking about the originators and self-appointed prophets of the movement, not necessarily the followers or disciples who agree with the new religion as a result of inculcated baptismal belief in the philosophy). They are ravenously hungry to foist their flat earth passions on the world as far as they can before they are rumbled, and the whole immature side show crumbles. The latest Kyoto circus of non-agreement is enough evidence of the much wider disbelief.

The truth is: Sustainability is crucial. That affects all resources on the planet from fossils to food, not a very short sighted snatch of data from selected measurement of suspect note-taking. Drill cores from the poles tell the truth about climate over eons rather than paper records of unknown amateur crossword compilers.

The impossible vanity of humans to think that anything they do can change planet environment for the better constantly amazes.

Posted 09 Jan 2013, 16:50 #6 

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Jürgen wrote:Just wait for the electric cars to be a common sight on our roads. Then there will be a massive increase either in road tax (to cover the lost petrol tax as well) or the electricity prices will go through the roof. :panic:

This is already happening. The politicians that have been promoting low CO2 emissions, are now realising that if the 'take up' carries on like it has been, then revenues will fall; so they are now planning ways of redressing the balance. The favorite, is to bring in road pricing, run by private companies, like the scheme in London. Toll roads are also on the agenda. Basically, if we want new roads, then we are expected to fund them; but what I want to know is, why isn't more of the £50 billion a year collected in motoring taxes, of which only about 10% is spent on the roads (which includes cycle lanes, speed humps etc.), being used on the road network already. It has been very galling over the last few years, to see most of what the 34 million motorists pay each year in motoring taxes, being used for other 'public' expenditure and now they have the cheek to ask for more.

I have just signed the on-line petition against rising fuel duty and would like to know if there is a petition to stop the current, and very costly, flirtation with this scheme? These schemes were turned down in Edinburgh a while ago and if there is no opposition, we will be saddled with this very unfair scheme, which will be monitored by a network of NPR cameras.

When catalytic converters were introduced for petrol vehicles in the early 1990s, we were told that they would convert harmful carbon monoxide into harmless carbon dioxide! Now we are charged on how much CO2 we emit!!!!! Funny old world isn't it.


Posted 10 Jan 2013, 16:47 #7 

