The reason?
I'm a law abiding citizen who hasn't had to attend Court as a defendant, or set off a scamera. I haven't failed to notify change of address (because I haven't moved house). I haven't failed to get a tax disk or failed to have VeeKay MOTd, or driven without insurance or with excess alcohol.
My crime is being straightforward and honest and thereby not contributing to the motoring stealth tax.
So, how did they catch me? My driving licence photo is due for renewal... that'll be twenty quid thank you... ker-ching.
But wait... there's more. Allied to this initial rip-off is a further rip-off and a little nepotism as well. Jobs (and income) for the boys at the Post Office.
The 'rules' for what constitutes a correct photo take up half an A4 sized sheet, even down to limiting the distance between chin and top of head to a tolerance of less than 5mm, basically enough rules to allow them to reject any photo they wish, thereby 'encouraging' you to pay money to the Post Office for their
to take the photo for you. That'll be another four and a half quid... ker-ching.Dedicated Professionals
One of my colleagues at work went through this process with the Post Office "dedicated professional" just after Christmas and eventually had to show the certified idiot how to use the damned camera.
So, Twenty five quid as near as dammit, for something I haven't asked for, have no desire for and I'm having to do at their behest or face breaking the law

OK, I understand that my mug-shot may have changed over the years, but if they insist on another photo, why should I have to pay?
Time, I think, to head for the mellow thread.