Reverse switch replacement by kai herb

kai herb
Ive just replaced the reverse light switch on my KV6 , now reading the Haynes manual it recomends taking down the wheel arch liner to get to the switch , After i jacked up the car i had a gander and found that you can reach the switch without having the hassle of removing the liner :thumbsup:

All in all its a 15 minute job to test and replace the switch.

So the moral of the story is DO NOT BELIEVE EVERYTHING THAT HAYNES SAYS :mrgreen:

Posted 04 Sep 2010, 15:18 #1 

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kai herb wrote:Ive just replaced the reverse light switch on my KV6 , now reading the Haynes manual it recomends taking down the wheel arch liner to get to the switch , After i jacked up the car i had a gander and found that you can reach the switch without having the hassle of removing the liner :thumbsup:

All in all its a 15 minute job to test and replace the switch.

So the moral of the story is DO NOT BELIEVE EVERYTHING THAT HAYNES SAYS :mrgreen:

How true is that, only ever use it as a guide - pictures are rubbish and I've lost count of the errors.


Posted 04 Sep 2010, 19:30 #2 

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So true. Especially how hard / easy it says anything is.

Same has to be said of the full workshop manual, though.

Best advice always comes from people who have done the job in the real world.

Posted 04 Sep 2010, 20:46 #3 
