I feel a sketch coming on Paul...

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Duncan wrote:Mick wrote:MrB wrote:Duncan wrote:Regarding the stickers.
Theres a product around that I've yet to see fail to help in these situations. It's called label remover and seems to diisolve any sticky tape kind of substance you care to name. It affects some kinds of plastics (some clear plastics, I think polystyrene) but otherwise is a brilliant product.
Don't suppose you have a link to where you can get this stuff from???
A quick googly will sort you out.:_
http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&so ... =&gs_rfai=
Yes loads of places, and also plenty of places on the bay of fleas.
MrB wrote:I had googled it but I was just wondering if was one particular one that was recommended or are they all essentially the same?
The Maplin one would probably be the easiest for me to get my hands on.
raistlin wrote:Pete has answered my question on the club forum.
I therefore see no moral justification to continue posting on the thread that I started.
I hope his comments about fiefdom lead to a more open regime.
starbug2 wrote:raistlin wrote:Pete has answered my question on the club forum.
I therefore see no moral justification to continue posting on the thread that I started.
I hope his comments about fiefdom lead to a more open regime.
i assume his answer is not for general listing ? either way i hope things can be calmer on the club frontand that we can go on from this none the worse and that if the ones that have been "sacked" wish to , that they can rejoin but that is
to me as i only know very basic stuff that has been posted about this matter and to a degree rather sad about it all
but for now its as ever it was with 2 meets upcoming + what ever else
revor wrote:Hi to all concerned. if its not too nosey or painful could I ask what the reason was for the split aka being thrown out after so much good work. I tried asking on the other side but got a glossed over answer.
JohnDotCom wrote:Beat me Mick.
revor wrote:Hi mike/jdc. dont squabble over me. [smilies are on but this all I get, what am I doing wrong?]. not very good at P C usage. met jdc at peterboro last year and had a chat. dont know what members numbers are at present, is it too early yet for a getogether meet in autumn?. peter.