Now I'll tell you why I gave you that description.
Earlier today i was upstairs in the office doing some work on the PC when I heard a commotion outside. I looked out of the window to see what arguably must have been the seminal chavette attempting to push her double width pushchair through the gateway onto the footpath to our front door, after two abortive attempts she managed to negotiate the gap. Here I have to say that she was actually as wide than the twin pushchair, bearing in mind that I am obese myself and shouldn't make such comments but she was probably 1.5 times my size.
Anyway, she was followed by a dopey mare with a single pushchair, trailing a youngster who could barely walk.
I wondered why they were coming to our house and then I discovered that, in fact they weren't. The thing with the double pushchairs came out with the most vituperative comments aimed, I then saw, at another youngster, none to steady on her feet who had clearly decided that the public footpath was the least interesting route and it would be a good idea to take a side excursion through our front garden and to that end had just planted both of her undoubtedly sticky little mitts firmly against VeeKay's offside rear door.
The pushchair caravan then proceeded straight over the lawn towards the car at which point I enquired through the open window why they were there.
The leading chavette turned and eventually worked out where I was and said "We wouldn't be here if you'd had some f***ing gates to your f**ing garden. What do you expect, leaving it so's my 'bab' can just wander in. If my 'bab's' injured I'm gonna f***ing to sue you."
In the meantime 'bab' had wandered out of the drive and down into the road, completely vulnerable to the next passing vehicle.
I pointed this out with some urgency to chavette 1 but rather than go to the assistance of her 'bab' she chose to wipe the face of the one she had in one seat of the pushchair and roundly chastise it for losing its dummy before eventually waddling out of the drive, the pushchair missing VeeKay's rear bumper by millimetres, followed at a leisurely pace by chavette 2.
The errant infant was grabbed by the scruff of her neck and unceremoniously thrown into the pushchair along with a blood-curdling and foul-mouthed description of what she would do to the poor child if she misbehaved again regardless of the fact that the infant was barely able to totter along, much less take responsibility for her own conduct along the road.
I watched in disbelief as the same child was then allowed to clamber / fall out of the pushchair to make her own independent and somewhat unsteady way again.
I wonder how those children will grow up... or if indeed they'll live long enough to grow up