Rear ended today ! by Trebor (Page 2 of 2)

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Update on my accident, other driver has not reported the accident so his insurance have not accepted liability, i have been told to keep away from him ( i know where he lives ) and provide as much detail about the accident as possible to send to his insurance

secondly on repair and with a little help from my friends the car has now been straightened out and the new crash beam sits on the body nicely, the bumper is away for spraying, the straightening was done with the use of a chain and a very thick gate post plus a very experienced body repair man ( my brother in law ) who has done it before, it worked a treat but dont try it at home , i had visons of the car at the start of the James Bond film that splits into 2 and he continues to drive it

I have been off work since the accident and have had issues but am on the end now hopefully !
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Planning is an unnatural process, much better to just get on with things, that way failure comes as a complete surprise instead of being preceeded by a period of worry and doubt

Posted 15 Oct 2014, 16:20 #21 

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Glad to hear you are feeling better. Catch up on the weekend.

Posted 15 Oct 2014, 16:27 #22 

Trebor wrote:Update on my accident, other driver has not reported the accident so his insurance have not accepted liability, i have been told to keep away from him ( i know where he lives ) and provide as much detail about the accident as possible to send to his insurance

Nice when people do this - hope you got some witnesses to the accident.

That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play


Posted 15 Oct 2014, 21:00 #23 

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no no witnesses Paul as happened at the bottom of the M54 slip road at Junction 1 and by the time we had moved our cars to exchange details, anyone who would have seen it had gone.

Had the traffic been held up I could have approached other drivers, no pedestrians in that area either to approach

He had a passenger and i didnt but i took the plunge and phoned him tonight and he said he reported it the day after the accident and does seem genuine but what do i know
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Planning is an unnatural process, much better to just get on with things, that way failure comes as a complete surprise instead of being preceeded by a period of worry and doubt

Posted 15 Oct 2014, 21:55 #24 

France seems to have come up with a method of preventing a driver either not reporting or denying there was an accident. There the procedure is:

The insurance agent will also provide an accident report sheet - the constat amiable d'accident - which should always be kept in the car, along with a pen.

In the event of an accident with no serious injuries, and if both drivers agree on the facts, there is no obligation to contact the police, however all parties must still complete the accident report in order to benefit from insurance.

The constat is an agreed statement of terms. It is to be filled out at the scene of the accident; it is purely a statement of facts not an establishment of blame. Information required includes: place of accident, names of witnesses, names of drivers with driver licence details (drivers should always carry their licence), and details of the insurers.

Mind you insurance companies are not the best. My OH was involved in an accident all reported to the insurance company. About three years later - yes, three years later, she received a Summons from the other drivers insurance company for the cost of repairs to his vehicle. Frantically, she contacted her insurance company to find that they had quietly forgotten about it and done nothing. 'Leave it with us' they said and nothing more was heard. Needless to say it was More Than :( she could take and at the next renewal changed insurers.

That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play


Posted 16 Oct 2014, 06:20 #25 

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Well my car is still off the road but I am expecting the bumper returned tomorrow so should be back up and running, meanwhile the insurance company still say the driver who hit me has not reported the accident so it appears he was telling me porkies.

My insurance company said they were going to ring him ( as i provided them with his mobile number) to tell him that unless he reports it they will be recovering all costs from him personally so hopefully that will do the trick
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Planning is an unnatural process, much better to just get on with things, that way failure comes as a complete surprise instead of being preceeded by a period of worry and doubt

Posted 24 Oct 2014, 21:33 #26 

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Well the insurance saga goes on and the last i heard the other driver was getting a phone call from my insurance company to say they are going after him personally for the money, i will ring tomorrow for an update.

In the meantime my rear end is fixed ( easy ! ) as below and the 75 is back up and running plus my next mod has been decided for me front and rear DVR cameras

I would like to say a massive thanks to all the fellow owners who offered help and parts, often going out of their way for me, and to the other owners who offered help who i didnt have to call on, it was really nice to know help was at hand.

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Planning is an unnatural process, much better to just get on with things, that way failure comes as a complete surprise instead of being preceeded by a period of worry and doubt

Posted 28 Oct 2014, 16:38 #27 

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Nice to see the car sorted out Rob :)

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 28 Oct 2014, 17:28 #28 

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Splendid, you can get back to polishing again. :)

Posted 28 Oct 2014, 18:35 #29 

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Well the latest from my insurance company Direct Line is that they have spoken to the other driver who is adamant that he has reported the accident and returned the paperwork sent to him by Admiral.

Whilst he was on the phone to my insurance company he has verbally admitted responsibility so with "all their calls being recorded for training purposes", that should be that hopefully !

Bizarrely the hire car went back yesterday now that the 75 is fixed ( Honda Civic Diesel ) they collected it a day later than arranged having said that if i let them down on the arranged day they would want £35, so waited in all day on Monday and no one came, so just set them a letter asking for my £35 cheque !

I have just had a call from someone stuck on the motorway telling me he is late delivering my courtesy car - an Audi TT ! I told him I am not expecting one but he was insistent it is from my insurance company and will chat when he gets here !
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Planning is an unnatural process, much better to just get on with things, that way failure comes as a complete surprise instead of being preceeded by a period of worry and doubt

Posted 29 Oct 2014, 13:27 #30 

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Very interesting Rob, you don't get those kind of offers everyday!!! Looks like Tom did you proud spraying the bumper, and cars looking good, especially with a new toy to play with in the back window!

Posted 29 Oct 2014, 21:42 #31 

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Well I have finally received a letter from a legal services co to say that the other driver's insurance have now accepted liability for the accident, and in the same post in a different envelope another copy of the same letter from the same co bearing the same reference telling me exactly the same thing !
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Planning is an unnatural process, much better to just get on with things, that way failure comes as a complete surprise instead of being preceeded by a period of worry and doubt

Posted 05 Nov 2014, 18:10 #32 

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That's good news Rob :) Hopefully all sorted out fairly quickly now.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 05 Nov 2014, 18:20 #33 

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Another worry out of the equation. Good show.

Posted 05 Nov 2014, 21:09 #34 
