Having spent most of my working life working with wood (Walnut being probably my personal favorite) i set about stripping the laquer of the 3 bits.
You have to do it by hand as Nitromores doesn't touch it....!!!! (it's a 2-pac thing & rock hard) Started with 40grit (Yes 40grit it's that hard) then various grades of sandpaper ending up with very fine wet & dry Took the best part of a week at 3ish hours a day. When all the laquer is off Meths to clean the grain - 4 coats of Teak oil & 5 coats of French polish to finish & there you have it A REAL WOOD DASH..!!!!
Put 2 bits in the car today & to me it's fantastic, when i'm doing the last bit tomorrow i'll take some pics & post them up.
The difference is remarkable . the Purists will moan but hey! wood is supposed to look like WOOD.