Plenum Under The Servo. by Arctic

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While i was sitting in the garden today contemplating what to do first mow the lawn or Wash the car those plenums were going through my head the light bulb switched on :) The other day while cleaning the shed out i came across a little bit of cable tidy the ones for all the wires behind your TV or PC as below pic 1

This got me into thinking could this be used to pull up through the plenum drain hole behind the servo from underneath the car thus creating a kind of tunnel which water can still get out but do away with having to make sure it is clear and not get bunged up with leaves and such, This is my thought what if i pulled or threaded it up from under the car past the servo pic 2

Then bring it up to the top cover over the servo and brake fluid chamber pic 3

Cut an hole in the cover for the cable to fit incorporate a bung which is taken off then to rod it with some curtain wire if and when necessary, as this is the main area which water get down to the lower plenum's ? well i think so as the right side or near side cover is solid underneath as we know. and we have the spyhole mod for that one. Now with this cable tidy going down and inside the lower plenum drain hole it can not get bung up as all the leaves and such can not get down into the plenum bung because of the cable tidy but water can get out as it as lots of slits in it. pic 4

I have yet to thread it through but first what are your thoughts on this idea i have made up the cable tidy and how to thread it through already surely in theory this should work :confused: pic 5

Or could it be pie in the sky/as good a chocolate teapot/catching feathers in a wind storm :lol:
Pearl Firefrost

Posted 25 Apr 2011, 17:54 #1 

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Interesting idea, but a couple of things to note.

1. An alternative is simply to snip off the bottom part of the tube where it has the small gap. Not done this myself, but have heard about it as a modification.
2. Some people have said that there's a reason for the thing being closed like it is, to prevent water coming back up. Personally I think if the water's that deep it could come back up, you have other things to worry about.

Posted 25 Apr 2011, 18:36 #2 

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Duncan wrote:1. An alternative is simply to snip off the bottom part of the tube where it has the small gap. Not done this myself, but have heard about it as a modification.
2. Some people have said that there's a reason for the thing being closed like it is, to prevent water coming back up. Personally I think if the water's that deep it could come back up, you have other things to worry about.

Agree, the mechanic at the (ex) Rover dealership recommended and did this for me over three years ago. Never any plenum problems since, either in or out.
People call me average, but I think that's mean!
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish.

Posted 26 Apr 2011, 11:59 #3 

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Another solution is to fit a large piece of sponge in the area of the drain hole.
No leaves can get to the hole to block it. Also it would take years for the sponge to be silted up that no water would drain through it.
Once a year check would probably be more than enough.

Posted 26 Apr 2011, 21:04 #4 
