Then I was on the end of some serious chest pains right across my chest. Wife said I went a rather grey colour

Weighed up the odds, we are fully insured when we travel, costs a fair bit as i have a history of high blood pressure ( controlled for over 10 yr now but you never know) So as I say, weighed up the odds of visiting the hospital in the canaries and letting the spanish butchers have a go, or jumping on the next available flight home for some good old NHS involvement.
Not fair to leave Marina stuck out there things being as they are so, £280 quid lighter, and a week earlier home than we planned. Arrived at St james's this morning after flying through the night.
Had blood tests, ecg and xray, no abnormalities show up on anything, yet i still had the feeling there was a concrete slab on my chest.
Has them baffled? now have to look forward to other avenues??? Discharged and referred to a chest pain specialist and now the pain has gone

Oh if i were only called Prince Phillip it would have been sorted by now