Perpetual dust by Simondi

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Why does my car seem to have a continous layer of dust on it? :cry: It seems no sooner have I washed it than its covered in dust. Is it just down to where I live or is there some product I could use that would stop happening? Any suggestions greatfully received

Posted 04 Jun 2010, 23:11 #1 

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Mine gets it but mostly because it's not moving most days :gmc:

Might it be something akin to static on the windscreen attracting the dust? Any decent vehicle glass cleaner ought to remove any build-up of grime or such like on the glass that could attract dust. Certainly not had problems with the car when it is in regular use.

Definately weather conditions play an awful lot too - I find the dirt build-up is definitely more "dusty" during summer months owing to the warmer weather, I guess :confused:

Hope that helps :)

Posted 04 Jun 2010, 23:22 #2 

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happens to most cars afaik, i use quick detailer to just spray on and wipe off, can do the whole car in a few minutes to make it shiny again, dont use though if it is something more than dust, if its dirt it needs washing
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Posted 06 Jun 2010, 11:59 #3 

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Not dust if I leave my cars out its Seagull poo and they must eat a awful lot of blackberries and similar.

Had volcanic ash/dust some weeks back though............ :gmc:

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Posted 06 Jun 2010, 16:33 #4 

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If it has a yellow sheen to it then it's pollen. Nothing you can do about that. You do need to be very careful wiping dust off with a cloth as currently it's probably volcanic ash. This is very abrasive, I would use a hose first.
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Posted 06 Jun 2010, 16:34 #5 

