Yup, just clips in and out once you flick the cover off, found the speed of the thing fine as well for web browsing. 7.2 as opposed to the 3.6 ones.
Shame you didnt mention it at the nano you could have tried it
ilso receives text messages whilst in the dongle and connected to the web.
I,m no techie when it comes to these David, just got fed up with £10 a go at travel lodge or bt open zone. It's £2 for 24 consecutive hours, so once yer on, yer on
Looked into them a little. You can get an unexpiring credit one for vodaphone but the sims fetch £50 !! As said all others wipe your credit at the end of the 30 days, £2 per day seemed a bit of a bargain to me, there may be cheaper or better ones for heavy use but Wifey is far happier at the Nanos now