Surely this cannot be legal?

An accountant from Manchester returned to her car after work and found it parked facing the opposite direction, with a fresh set of yellow lines painted underneath.
Accountant Sally Barker had parked her Peugeot 206 CC on Little Quay Street that morning, near her office. There were no yellow lines on the road and no parking restrictions in place.
But the council was so keen to get new double yellow lines painted that it used a tow truck to hoist the car into the air while it did the work.
A parking ticket was issued immediately, though after being challenged by the Manchester Evening News, council workers replaced it with a note reading, 'your car has been repositioned by the council'.
Parking enforcement agency NSL defended the placement of the ticket, which it says was done to prevent another warden issuing a ticket later. It was immediately declared void and wouldn't have led to a fine.
That didn't abate Mrs. Barker's anger, however, who said: “To find out that the council moved my car, without my permission and then placed it on double yellow lines they had just painted is disgraceful. I suggest they close the road prior to putting the restrictions in place.â€Â
"My lovely car now sold onto a very happy new owner.
I still love this marque and I will still be around, preferred selling to breaking, as a great runner and performer"