Only the civil service... part two by Raistlin

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I received an e-mail from HMCS today:-

Dear SIr,

We at HMCS are trying to encourage members of the Judiciary to use electronic means of communication.

To this end we are polling the accuracy of our e-mail database.

If you have received this e-mail, you do NOT have to do anything.

If, however, you have not received this e-mail, please let us know.

Clearly, I have removed the name of the signatory to protect the innocent ;)

Some hours later I received a further e-mail from the same person:-

Dear Sir,

Further to my last e-mail.

If you received it please dis-regard it.

However, it is important that you read it and take the appropriate action suggested therein if you did NOT, in fact, receive it.

Other than removing the headers and the name and position of the signatory, the text above is verbatim.

I thought to reply with something like:- " I didn't receive the first e-mail and didn't note the contents, therefore please will you re-send the first e-mail so that if I don't receive it I can take note and deal with it as you suggest."

But perhaps one shouldn't mock the gifted ;)

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 02 Sep 2010, 18:06 #1 

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What really annoys me is that it's our money that is paying them to do this. :x
I don't like signatures, they take up too much screen space.

Posted 02 Sep 2010, 18:15 #2 

lol, you should forward it all to Chris Mayer.........a long time ago and in another life I used to work with her

Posted 02 Sep 2010, 18:39 #3 

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You've just gotta love the logic at work there! :lol:

Posted 02 Sep 2010, 19:30 #4 

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SpongeBob wrote:You've just gotta love the logic at work there! :lol:

I await, with interest, another e-mail from the same person :lol:

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 02 Sep 2010, 19:58 #5 

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Can't see anything wrong myself, I never pick on the Afflicted :gmc:
Best Regards


Posted 04 Sep 2010, 19:44 #6 

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raistlin wrote:
SpongeBob wrote:You've just gotta love the logic at work there! :lol:

I await, with interest, another e-mail from the same person :lol:

Well it's obvious isn't it, there is no point sending it to the people who receive it as they don't have to do anything :confused:

So, using common sense they only have to send it to the people who don't receive it, hence cutting down on time wasted :gmc:
Photobucket = Tossers


Posted 04 Sep 2010, 20:00 #7 

