I reckon that there are approx 22 members coming from both the club and the community so if everyone contributes £4 - £5 that should cover it always allowing for one or two members who for whatever reason cant make it on the day as planned.
There will be an " honesty " box on the food table and it will be the usual drill, I wont be chasing anyone for money but would be grateful if you would put your contribution in the box at some point - I will post up after the event how much was contributed in total and should there be any profit it will be donated
I have kept the food receipts should anyoine wish to see them, and items bought include, tea, coffee, milk, sugar, mince pies, biscuits, pork joints, bread cobs/buns, serviettes, apple sauce, plates, spoons and a few items i have probably forgotten about !
Pork Cobs/ Buns will be served at lunchtime, warm mince pies in the afternoon, tea and coffee all day on demand plus biscuits.
The weather looks to be holding out so look forward to seeing you all tomorrow, either for breakfast meeting at the Turf on th A5 for 9am or at the meet itself from 10am onwards
Robs Car Gallery
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Planning is an unnatural process, much better to just get on with things, that way failure comes as a complete surprise instead of being preceeded by a period of worry and doubt