North London Meet July 2013 by mi2540

Hi everyone

Just thought I would let you know we are trying to start up meetings for those london members and others close by Bob (Flying Banana) is dtermined to get them going again and the first that has been arranged is on July 21st at midday the venue is Leisure Complex Chaplin Square North Finchley N12 0GL I hope some can attend as it seems a shane there is some little for london based members locally if anyone knows of suitable sites in west and south london either bob or myself would love to hear about them.

A small group of us are also looking into possibility or nano meets similar to those in midlands and north east. Im sure there is as much expertize in this region too I realize its a bit ambitious but if we can get the meets off the ground it may be possible to arrange nao meets also, any ideas are very welcome as many brains make car go LOL

Thanks for listening


Posted 29 May 2013, 19:06 #1 
