Frm December 21st (I think thats the right date) Women will no longer be able to be offered Cheap insurance on the Sole Basis of being a Woman.
Statistically young women are less likely to have accidents than young men, fair enough, but that doesn't mean every woman should get cheap insurance based solely on the above point. Some young Men never have an accident, so why should they pay for the other Young men who do etc
I have many years of no claims and surprisingly, I pay more than some of these Young Women? Why?
To give an Example, a 22 Year Old Woman on the Radio, driving a VW Polo, with 0 NCB pays only £560. Yet myself, with 8 Years no Claims, driving my 75 Diesel pays £440. So, where does the logic kick in here?
I would have 20 Years NCB, but I stopped driving my own Car for two years and used my Wifes Car on a daily basis as a named driver, causing me to lose all my NCB's

So looking at this another way, why, with 20 Years driving experience, should I pay more than someone who doesn't have one years worth of experience? Yes, I know she pays £120 more than me, but look at it from the experience angle and NCB etc she (and many others) don't.
I personally think Insurance should be a tiered sceme. When you pass your Test, you pay £1000 for your first year, should you not cause an accident or claim against your self, then it drops £100 a year for the first five years. Staying at £400 after the 6th year. Causing an Accident or claiming bumps you back to the start at £1000.
This way People who drive sensibly and do not cause accidents, well they get rewarded fairly

Though Insurers wouldn't go for this as it removes competition etc
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