Nice to see we can do a proper fireworks display at last. by podge

New Years Eve at the London Eye....what a display!!! ... 11_Part_2/ need to rewind to the start!!

Posted 01 Jan 2011, 20:06 #1 

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That was pretty spectacular. Thanks for the link. :)

Posted 01 Jan 2011, 20:21 #2 

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Have to admit I was impressed

Posted 02 Jan 2011, 00:06 #3 

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The country's bankrupt already and there's another few thousand quid up in smoke :confused:

Posted 02 Jan 2011, 00:26 #4 

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Including the planning,and the actual cost of the firework display came to a staggering £1.65 million pounds! :o :gmc:

On top of this must be added the free travel on the Underground and Buses etc.

Only know figures etc as one of my (nutter) pyrotechnics brothers was involved
as this year a British company was used, for the first time, being Kimbolton Fireworks (admittedly using mainly Chinese sourced) but English electronics and computer designed ignition systems.

"My lovely car now sold onto a very happy new owner.
I still love this marque and I will still be around, preferred selling to breaking, as a great runner and performer"

Posted 02 Jan 2011, 10:27 #5 

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£1.65 Million!!!!!!!

Posted 02 Jan 2011, 13:54 #6 

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Tourerfogey wrote:£1.65 Million!!!!!!!

A mere bagatelle when you take into consideration how much will be pissed up against the wall for the Olympics. At least this didn't command an entrance fee to view. IMHO

Posted 02 Jan 2011, 15:11 #7 

hmmm, only £1.65m? i heared £1.8m :gmc:

youve got to think, if they went to the local supermarket and spent 50p on fireworks, youd be complaining it was rubbish. so stop complaining! :D
that amount of money couldnt have been better spent, not even on lowering the fuel price by a couple of pence for a few days....
i wouldnt be new years with out a stupidly expensive display anyway, and the final few seconds were really impressive 8-)
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Posted 02 Jan 2011, 22:23 #8 

A pity the link isn't valid for France (and presumably for anywhere else in 'continental Europe') if anyone has any suggestions about watching...

Posted 02 Jan 2011, 23:03 #9 

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Geoffrey wrote:A pity the link isn't valid for France (and presumably for anywhere else in 'continental Europe') if anyone has any suggestions about watching...

Hi Geoffrey, hope you are keeping well. :) ... re=related

Posted 03 Jan 2011, 00:14 #10 

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Nice one. :thumbsup:

Thanks for the second link Mick.

Posted 03 Jan 2011, 16:31 #11 

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Jürgen wrote:Nice one. :thumbsup:

Thanks for the second link Mick.

That's my pleasure. :) Got to keep our foreign chums happy. :mrgreen:

Bit more spectacular than the one we went to on Guy Fawkes night in Peterborough. Just a bit. :D

Posted 03 Jan 2011, 16:35 #12 

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Yes, but just a little bit. ;)

Sparing me the use of a slow proxy, very kind of you.

Posted 03 Jan 2011, 16:52 #13 

Many thanks for taking the trouble over the second link - no problems now!

Posted 10 Jan 2011, 21:58 #14 

