NI/ROI - 30/8/2015 -6th Annual MG Rover owners & family day by Colin_NI

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30/8/2015 -6th Annual MG Rover owners & family day - All Rover heritage cars welcome!

2014 was our best Tollymore meet yet and was a wonderful success in 2013 also and it will be our location for 2015 also! Everything rover, mg, landrover, jag, Austin is all welcomed in the day, variety makes it more fun for everyone!
Location - Tollymore Forest Park, Bryansford Road, Newcastle, Co Down, Northern Ireland, BT33 0PW Date - Sunday the 30th August 2015 Time - 1200 hours to 1630 hours
Costs for entry into Forrest - Car £4, pedestrian £2, child 50p

A beautiful part of the country both for a walk and a lovely drive to, rated as one of the top 20 beauty spots in the united Kingdom. Ideal if you want to bring the kids or have a lovely picnic etc.
Tollymore features many follies including a barn dressed up to look like a church, stone cones atop gate piers and gothic-style gate arches and some great routes to cycle around and is both a caravan site and pet friendly so bring the dog! Location has proved great with both northern and southern owners who wish to joined us on the day, if coming from the South traveling via Newry is the most efficient route.

Think his will be a great end to the summer and give everyone plenty of time to get sorted. There is plenty to do for the kids in Newcastle as well, and there's the shop, cafe etc as well so plenty to do, also you can bring a BBQ if you really want along with the dogs etc. I have gained full approval from the Forrest Ranger and the DRD for the event, and working through Richard Kernohan, the Recreation Forester of the area so everything is sorted.

So folks, literally the last of summer 2015 so everyone is home from holidays this time and no other significant classic car shows on that weekend.

IMPORTANT NOTE Yet again this is a static event on a public car park at a tourist spot, this is NOT a wheel spinning season or play your music as loud as possible.

The event details are also on facebook but you need to join the 75zt ireland page as the event page is within the group but its a repeat of the information above.
2014 Photos
I hope to see you there!
Facebook events page for NI/ROI owners -

Posted 13 Aug 2015, 02:43 #1 
