I checked my Sky bill on line tonight as it is higher than normal only to find lots of calls to a company called Energis , these are classed as NGN calls and are generally only for a few seconds at a time sometimes in the early hours of the morning, some are for no charge whatsoever others up to 36p but as there are lots of these entries on the itemised bill then it increase the overall bill and they are not the only telecon companies with NGN calls on my bill but they are by far the most frequent
I also have lots of calls to destinations I or my family have no connection with whatsoever and although I appreciate I can't remember every call there are several calls to Ireland which are just a mistake.
Anyway back to the NGN calls , I have been on the Sky forums tonight and others have had the same problems but it doesn't appear that Sky have refunded any money for these calls, I have dialled the number and it sounds as though it is dialling a fax. Sky say that house alarms connected to the telephone network can cause this but I don't have one of them
I don't normally check my phone bills but have gone back 12 months today and the same calls have been on my bills for at least 12 months
So tomorrow I will phone Sky but I expect a fight and the usual " maybe someone else in the house has made the calls etc etc"ÂÂ
If anyone has any experience of this or any advice for me it would be much appreciated
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