National Clutches fail within 4000 miles by Zeeblum

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Hi all,

Andy Willi is apparently up and running again although I am struggling to reach him.
He did both my ZTT and my ZT in prep for Philt4s map.
Unfortunately both clutches failed within 4000 miles, in fact my ZT barely covered 2000 I think.
I came across a post from late 2018 naming and shaming a customer of his for having work done and never paying.
In the same vein I can’t help but feel if he’s working again that he should honour the work carried out that was clearly sub standard.
I’m not saying it was his fault, National clutches may have had a bad batch for example.
I had already taken a trip from Plymouth to Doncaster and back to have the ZTTs clutch re looked at and sold it a couple of months later as I felt it wasn’t right but thought it might just be in my head.
I later had a message from the chap super irritated with me for selling him a car with a dodgy clutch. Not long after, despite having the wheels and body resprayed and a host of mods done, I found it scrapped :(
I still have my ZT on the driveway begging for the clutch to be redone. I got hold of Andy ages ago but suddenly he stopped communicating with me.
Do I have any recourse? Does anyone know how to get hold of him?
I left him to it as he’d stopped working and cut communication with me, but apparently he’s back fitting and repairing, so I absolutely believe he should honour the work that has failed so quickly. Between the two cars and the drive to Doncaster I spent over £1100

What do you think?

Apologies in advance if this is not the correct area to seek advice.

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Posted 11 Oct 2020, 22:27 #1 

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Zach another £200 and you could of had both the clutches & master And slaves done at the place i had both my MGZT, and my Freelander done 2yrs warranty or 18,000 miles which ever comes first no questions asked replacement, i think i told you this at the time while you were at the Nano.

Hopefully Andy will sort you out if you ever get hold of him ?
Pearl Firefrost

Posted 12 Oct 2020, 01:06 #2 

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True Steve.
However, looking back at my messages, you were also the man that suggested I contact Andy :)

Great to hear from you. Hope you and yours are well.x

Posted 12 Oct 2020, 05:51 #3 

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Zeeblum wrote:True Steve.
However, looking back at my messages, you were also the man that suggested I contact Andy :)

Great to hear from you. Hope you and yours are well.x

Hi Zach.
As we all know in life we live and learn, also looking if i remember at the time it was about cost, as you were on a budget then therefore my suggestion and also at the time it was not known what clutches he was using, but we do now :em: i think you know me well enough if it had been known i would never have suggested to try him, hopefully he will step up to the plate and sort something out with you.

Anyways are you keeping well and the family all good hope so maybe when all the madness as stopped you may get to a meet in 2021 :thumbsup:
Pearl Firefrost

Posted 12 Oct 2020, 12:36 #4 

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Steve, you make me feel like family, you’re endlessly helpful and of course you didn’t know!! X
A fair few got stung.
Yes, cost always a factor. ;)
I do hope I get to see you all in 2021.

Posted 12 Oct 2020, 12:58 #5 

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Zeeblum wrote:Steve, you make me feel like family, you’re endlessly helpful and of course you didn’t know!! X
A fair few got stung.
Yes, cost always a factor. ;)
I do hope I get to see you all in 2021.

Ditto contact Brian White on the OC also known as ( actros ) he should have an up to date number for him if he as posted you saying he is up and running again. ? someone as also just posted on your thread on there, keep pecking a the tree, in the end it makes a chair or a plank ;)
Pearl Firefrost

Posted 13 Oct 2020, 15:06 #6 

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Hi Zach, hope you and family are safe and well, sorry to hear of your woes with both clutches failing, what an expensive time it has been for you, I have the pictures of Andi Willi changing your clutch on the Four Ashes car park somewhere on the forum but cannot remember the date to take a look. I do hope you can get it resolved but not sure what your chances are to be honest, lets hope we can all meet up at some point in 2021 all vaccined up !

I have just had the clutch changed on my diesel at 196,000 miles, not bad on the original clutch, I could have bought both plates for less than £30 at Euro Car Parts but felt much happier paying £130 for an original MG Rover clutch set consisting of both plates and the slave cylinder, I also changed the DMF, work carried out by a good mate of mine who has been a mechanic since leaving school, its a pity you live so far away as plenty of good people in this part of the world who could help
Robs Pictures at :

Robs Car Gallery

click below to access nano website

Planning is an unnatural process, much better to just get on with things, that way failure comes as a complete surprise instead of being preceeded by a period of worry and doubt

Posted 03 Nov 2020, 13:39 #7 

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keep pecking at the tree, in the end it makes a chair or a plank ;)

Or sometimes just falls over and dies.

Posted 10 Dec 2020, 18:58 #8 
