My father by Bernard

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Some of you will have met my father over the last few years as he has been with me to a few meetings. Unfortunately he has just died after a short period in hospital following a recovery from breaking his hip last October. Although at 98 years old one cannot be surprised, it is still a shock because it was easy to believe that he had become invincible.
Although motor bikes were his first love (he came from a racing family), he was always interested in cars and instilled in me the same appreciation of all things of an engineering nature. My mother managed to overrule any motor bike tendencies on my part!

He was a true gent and everyone had great love and respect for him. I am proud to be his son but know that I cannot hope to be as even tempered and so caring for others as he was. May he rest in deserved peace.

Posted 02 Feb 2018, 22:25 #1 

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(Site Admin)
My sincere condolences Bernard.

Posted 02 Feb 2018, 22:52 #2 

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I'm so very sorry to hear that Bernard.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 03 Feb 2018, 09:19 #3 

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Bermudan 75
My thoughts are with you Bernard in this sad time. Mike.

Posted 03 Feb 2018, 09:41 #4 

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(Site Admin)
Bernard, my sincere condolences. May your father rest in peace.

Posted 03 Feb 2018, 11:36 #5 

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So sad Bernard,I met him a few times and a gent as you say, I should have known he was from a racing family when you told me he got pulled over by the police for speeding and that was only a few years ago, take care
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Planning is an unnatural process, much better to just get on with things, that way failure comes as a complete surprise instead of being preceeded by a period of worry and doubt

Posted 10 Feb 2018, 21:06 #6 

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sorry to hear all the best to you

Posted 10 Mar 2018, 22:21 #7 

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Sorry to hear that! :(

I lost my Father in February of 1995 and still miss the old bugger now! :(

Posted 10 Mar 2018, 22:31 #8 
