However, after having gone through the arduous process of claiming, I was out of pocket. They reduced the amount paid because of "wear and tear", mentioning the term "betterment", by 20%. I suspect the spotty faced oik who wrote the letter had recently had an insurance claim and thought he was being clever trying to bamboozle and discombobulate me with long words.
I have only two things to say about that... Antidisestablishmentarianism and Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

A phone call to his manager sorted that out. Unfortunately though, his manager wasn't 100% on the ball... or perhaps she was as they refused to repay the cost of the Special Delivery service, stating that they had been "within the terms" of their contract, ie. they had delivered it, albeit in many more pieces than it was when I sent it.
Oddly enough I can't find a single thing in their terms and conditions which states that goods damaged by themselves, once delivered, fulfil the contract.
Those of you who know me will be aware that this is not over