My 75 hates me :( by carlpenn

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So, I start the day by putting in a new Air Filter and PCV (Positive Crankcase Ventilation Valve) Filter, then an Engine Flush and Oil and Filter change, all going swimmingly.

There is plenty of daylight left so I figure why not change the Headlight wich isn't Levelling with the rotary control, things start to take a downward spiral from here on.

First a Bolt holding the Headlight in snaps, no worries I can cut that off, but alas, no I cannot as I cannot find teh hacksaw and everywhere is closed so cannot go buy one. Nevermind I think, I wanted to stick the other slam panel I have on anyway, so I will do that :) So, off with the old rusty slam panel and on with my cleaner looking slame panel.

Put everything back together and the Bonnet won't shut properly, have to slam it a couple of times to get it to catch :( The handle in the Car to open the bonnet is no longer flush with the alcove it sits in and sticks up slightly.

Then I have to call it a night as it is now going dark, the car is all back together and I decide to move it so that Tina can park teh MGf on the drive in the morning and the blooming thing won't start, just get a clicking starter motor and headlights come on to tell me Batteries flat, but it isnt flat, Cannot get jump leads to it as it is facing down teh driveway and blocking the entrance :( :( :(

I really don't know why I bothered :(

Fitted Electric Memory Seat, Leather Cubby Lid, Wood Dash, Message Centre.

Posted 01 Apr 2012, 19:43 #1 

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carlpenn wrote:I really don't know why I bothered :(

Because you love it really!

Posted 04 Apr 2012, 14:41 #2 

lol yh I do. You are right Dave :p

Fitted Electric Memory Seat, Leather Cubby Lid, Wood Dash, Message Centre.

Posted 04 Apr 2012, 17:16 #3 

