MP3 resizing by Dave

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Recently I bought an iPod Touch, in the hope that it would help with my ongoing network streaming headache. To be fair it has, but I should have waited to get a 64gb version as the 32gb I went for only has 1.5gb space left, and this won't last more than a year!

I usually rip CDs at 192k, but recent ones bought from Amazon have ended up as 320k, as they have been imported via "Auto-Rip", which seems easier than actually ticking the CD in!

I'm looking at a way of reducing the file size to 192k on these. Audacity works but it is a little laborious, as it's one at a time and needs a few steps to be done manually. So, does anyone know of any software that can do this in batches? If so, I'd be grateful for a heads up!

The other option is to replace the 32gb iPod with a 64gb model. They seem fairly thin on the ground though and I've narrowly missed a couple on eBay. If I am successful, I will be selling the 32gb ASAP!

Posted 23 Jul 2014, 12:03 #1 

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Just use the feature which comes with iTunes Dave. ;)
On the summary page of your iPod tick the box Convert higher bit rate songs to 128/192/256 kbps AAC.

Posted 23 Jul 2014, 13:03 #2 

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Cheers Jürgen!

I've seen this mentioned but so far not found how to work it, but now guessing I've not looked in the actual iPod area!

Posted 23 Jul 2014, 13:49 #3 

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Found this now, and now I have, it was really obvious, so please allow me a quick "Doh!" moment! :em:

Thanks Jürgen!

Posted 24 Jul 2014, 12:14 #4 

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You're welcome Dave. Good to see you could solve the issue. :)

Posted 24 Jul 2014, 18:21 #5 

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Getting there! ;)

Did the deed and found it made no difference to the used/unused space on the pod, so decided to "start over". This was fun in itself, as I could find no way to "block delete" the lot (4500+ songs) so resorted to holding down the delete key, which to be fair wasn't too slow, but must have taken around five minutes!

Now I'm re-uploading and it's taking forever. I think this is because it's converting "on the fly" but it seems to be doing it for every song, including ones below the bitrate I chose, so not sure what's going on here. I'm not the most patient of people, so will probably stop it, upload them all "as is" then start again, hoping that this time the "sync" I did before works on re-sizing just the big files (it didn't do anything before so probably won't next time either, so Groundhog Day will commence!) ;)

Posted 24 Jul 2014, 19:27 #6 

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Well, I've managed to get everything copied over, which took an age, only to find that it's made little to no difference! :(

So, short term, I'll be deleting some of the less listened-to stuff as I add new stuff, longer term I'll be keeping my eyes peeled for a reasonably priced 64gb model, then selling on the 32gb. Frustratingly, since missing a very cheaply sold one on eBay, the prices seem to have gone up - typical!

Posted 28 Jul 2014, 13:13 #7 

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OK, for anyone that is keeping up with this, here's where I am now....

Bought a 64gb iPod! :mrgreen: Interestingly, it's come with loads of music still on it, so much in fact that it's got less free space left than the 32gb of the first one!! Now I realise that I can simply delete stuff from it to make space for my own music, or even do a reset to start from scratch, but the thing is, there's actually some stuff on it we'd like to keep (Gill has spotted quite a but she likes!). What I'd like to do is to pop all of this extra music onto our server drive (tons of space on there) and then wipe the iPod and copy our music to it, plus any of the new music - also means there an "off iPod" backup. Problem of course is that whilst it's a breeze to get music on to the iPod, it's a nightmare to get it off!

So, does anyone know of any software I can use for this, or have any other suggestions?! Cheers!

Posted 31 Jul 2014, 21:48 #8 

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Posted 31 Jul 2014, 22:33 #9 

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Cheers Mick

Since posting I've come across a programme called PodTrans, which allows you to copy to a folder. I've downloaded the free version, which has a trial of the wizard included in the paid version. At the moment, it seems to be copying everything over, but I have a feeling that, once it's done, it'll say something along the lines of "subscribe to unlock files"!

TBH, having now scanned through the contents of the iPod, I've only found about 4 albums I like, and I have them already! There's some total cr*p too, as it even includes "One Direction" :shock: I shall enjoy erasing that! :twisted:

Posted 31 Jul 2014, 22:55 #10 
